Tuesday 1 May 2018

Quantum Semantics Lattice

1 Language is a substance that has information. Refer to the following papers.
2 Information has structure. Refer to the following papers.
3 Structure develops with time. For instance, children know that the sun also rises next day. But some adults know that the sun also rises as the theme of Hemingway’s novel.
4 Information’s structure has extent. Refer to the following paper.
5 Extent is expressed by area.
6 Area is expressed by lattices. For the number of lattices are ideally infinite, lattices becomes plane or space. Refer to the following paper.
7 Lattice can express manifold plane and space by relatively simple description.
8 On each lattice can put quantum that has information of language.
9 Situation about lattice and quantum is shown in adequate solidity containing nearly ideal condition, for instance, entangled.
10 Lattice has rule.
11 Quanta on lattice combine in accordance with the rule.
12 The rule consists of the followings.
12-1 Lattice has starting position, abbreviated to LSP.
12-2 Quantum on lattice combines with upper side or right side quantum.
12-3 Upper side quantum expresses adjective phase.
12-4 Right side quantum expresses predicate phase.
13 Lattice becomes word. Refer to the following paper.
14 Lattice’s combination becomes sentence.
15 Language consists of LSP’s combination.
16 Quantum becomes word or word’s element.
17 Primitive words indicate existence, yes and no, real numbers and so forth. The way of indication is referred to the following papers.
18 Lattices is transformed to three dimensional solids.
19 Language that consists of word and sentence is transformed to pillar.
20 Lattice’s infinity and pillar are topological space.
21 Semantics of language is examined by topology that is now expressed to pillar.

Tokyo May 15, 2006
Tokyo May 28, 2006 Revised
Sekinan Research Field of Language

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