Monday 28 August 2017

Letter from the story Papa Wonderful

Letter from the story Papa Wonderful

48 Letter 48 手紙





 河上徹太郎さんからは多くのことを教えてもらいました。それらが青春の私の心を防御してくれたのです。葛西善蔵の「子をつれて」で父親がこどもと一緒にガラス戸を開けて食堂へ入っていくところは、私に限りない安堵感を与えてくれました。その安堵感のどこかに「子なるキリスト」の投影があったのかもしれませんが、そうした自己分析はいわばその論理性そのものに邪魔されて心のより深いところへは遂に行き着かなかったようです。 論理はときには容易に体系の一部に組み込まれるものですが、感覚はそのどこにも属さず中途半端なままにその主張を止めないでくれることがあるものです。文学はしばしばそのような役割を心の中で演じましたから、理詰めで説教する親のことばとは違って、部屋に戻って聞く聞きなれたカントリー・アンド・ウエスタンのように心に染みてくるのでした。





25 August 2017

Sekinan Zoho

Wednesday 23 August 2017

Theory 2003 - 2016 / Sekinan Library


Theory  2003 - 2016

  1. On Time Property Inherent in Characters

  1. Quantum Theory for Language
  2. Distance Theory
  3. Prague Theory
  4. Reversion Theory
  5. Mirror Theory
  6. Mirror Language
  7. Guarantee of Language
  8. Property of Quantum
  9. Quantification of Quantum
  10. Actual Language and Imaginary Language
  11. Guarantee of language
  12. Place where quantum of language exists
  13. Actual language and imaginary language
  14. Property of quantum
  15. Quantification of quantum  
  16. Direction
  17. Uniformity
  1. Changeability
  2. Individuality
  3. Time
  4. Fixation
  5. Grammar
  6. Substantiality
  7. Frame
  8. Recognition
  9. Ideogram
  10. Conversation
  11. Descriptiveness
  12. Lineation
  13. System
  14. Automaton
  15. Vector

  1. Algebraic Linguistics

  1. CLifford Algebra
  2. Energy Distance Theory
  3. Functional Analysis
  4. Holomorphic Meaning Theory
  5. Kac-Moody Lie Algebra 
  6. Operator Algebra
  7. Reversion Analysis Theory
  8. Stochastic Meaning Theory
  9. von Neumann Algebra
  10. Complex Manifold Deformation Theory 

  1. Complex Manifold Deformation Theory
  2. Language Manifold Theory
  3. Topological Group Language Theory
  4. Symplectic Language Theory
  5. Floer Homology Language
  6. Arithmetic Geometry Language

  1. Imaginary Language
  2. Notes for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej
  3. Time of WANG Guowei
  4. Stable and Unstable of Language

  1. Projective Space Model
  2. Diophantine Language
  3. Hyperbolic Language
  4. Grassmann Language
  5. Grassmann Language 2
  6. Birational Language
  7. Dual Language
  8. Infinite Loop Space Language

  1. Homotopy Language         
  2. Operad Meaning Theory
  3. Arithmetic Geometry Language 2

  1.  Algebraic Geometry Language 

  1. Flow, Time and Dimension of Language
  2. Energy of language

  1. Derived Category Language

Read more:
Meguro River and the Cherry blossom
Meguro, Tokyo
April 2017

23 August 2017

Wednesday 9 August 2017

Sekinan Library Fresh, Newly uploaded papers and essays

  1. The Days of Ideogram
  2. Language and I
  3. Simone Weil's LA PESANTEUR ET LA GRACE again
  4. THE ROAD TO REALITY A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe, 2005 by Roger Penrose
  5. True-false problem of the Crete
  6. Macro Time and Micro Time
  7. Bridge across mathematics and physics / Revised
  8. Karcevskij conjecture 1928 and Kawamata conjecture 2002
  9. Roman Jakobson
  10. The First Paper on Inherent Time in Word
  1. Genealogical Tree of Sekinan's Paper Sixth Edition
  2. Derived Category Language 3. Language stability and triangulated category
  3. Kontsevich's conjecture. Category theoretic mirror symmetry conjecture
  4. The comparison between 2003 and 2017. From Chinese character's meaning structure to Homological algebraic model of language universals
  5. Additional meaning and embedding
  6. Derived Category Language
  7. Homology Language
  8. Language, amalgamation of mathematics and physics
3          1. Meaning minimum 2017 Edition
          2. The comparison between 2003 and 2017 From Chinese character's meaning structure
              to Homological algebraic model of language universals
          3. Edward Sapir gave me a moment to study language universals together with Sergej        Karcevskij
          4. Letter to Y on The exhibition Alberto Giacometti. National New Art Centre. Roppongi,               Tokyo
          5Simone Weil's LA PESANTEUR ET LA GRACE again
          6  Glitter of youth through philosophy and mathematics in 1970s
          7. ONO Shinobu and Bernhard Karlgren over the Chinese classical study
          8. Prague Theory
        1. Reread Andre Martinet's ELEMENTS DE LINGUISTIQUE GENERALE, 1970
        2. Read Susan Sontag Now I am enough old for remembering the past
        3. Sixties, For Susan Sontag
        4.Half farewell to Sergej Karcevskij and the Linguistic Circle of Prague

July 2017
At the garden

Saturday 5 August 2017

Prague Theory. Dedicated to KARCEVSKIJ, PRAGUE and CHINO

Prague Theory



Language consists of quanta of language.
Quantum of language is the minimum unit of language.
The quantum has the inherent time and meaning.
The quantum has the distance from the real world.
The distance adds relative meaning to the inherent meaning.
The inherent time and meaning are generated from the complex of the simple images abstracted from the real world.
The simple images are left in characters of Chinese language /hanyu/.
But many languages using the phonetic sign do not remain the traces of images.
The simple images have their own passage of time.
Chinese character /kun/, difficult in English has two simple images inside.
One is an enclosure.
The other is a tree in the enclosure.
The enclosure has the time of no passage.
The tree has the time of own growth.
The complex of the two images leads two consequences.
One is <time element> that is abbreviated to TE.
The other is <meaning element> that is abbreviated to ME.
TE is a sort of artificial time. In this situation, the tree grows in the passage of time.
But this tree does not destroy the enclosure.
The time of the tree stops immediately before the destruction of the enclosure.
TE has a separated time from start and end of the tree.
This is the <inherent time†> of the character /kun/.
ME is also artificial. The tree grows eternally, but does not destroy the enclosure similarly in eternity.
This is the situation of character /kun/.
So inherent meaning emerges, having difficult condition never changed in eternity.
ME is changed in the arranging set of quanta of language. This set is called <sentence>.
Chinese /xue shuxue/, learn mathematics in English, has two /xue/.
The two are quanta of language.
The first quantum has longer distance than the second quantum. So according to the situation, two quanta have an additional meaning to the inherent.
The second quantum has a shorter distance that is closer to the real world. So Close meaning to the real thing is added.
The first quantum has a longer distance that is more separate to the real world. Additional meaning is also more separate from the real thing.
In the arrangement of the quanta set, complex meaning is emerged.
This meaning is called <additional meaning element>, abbreviated to AME.
In the set of quanta of language, three elements <time element> <meaning element> <additional meaning element> are working.
Now I call the view on language <Prague Theory> for having a high regard to KARCEVSKIJPRAGUE and CHINO Eiichi.

October 2, 2004
Sekinan Research Field of Language

Read more:

Chinese orange
5 August 2017
At the garden