Friday 30 April 2021

Letter to WPM. On Nerve Theory. 29 April 2021. References 1. 2. and 3. added 30 April 2021.


 Dear WPM,

Thanks a lot to retweets of my papers.

In Japan, cherry blossoms fell in an instant at the beginning of April probably by global warning.
In  my youth days, I had loved the hills’ cherry in my town at the end of April pedalling a bicycle up a slope. Sad change in the weather lately.
I did not upload papers in this winter season to WordPress for concentratively writing a biography of Japanese excellent researcher who died early in his age 30s by cancer. I learnt French from him at university.
Biography’s title is Hananoi Kazumi and  small university on the hill.

URL is the next.

In 1970s I was in my youth and he was only eight years older than me.
He loved French language and literature especially novelist Stendhal. 
He was born at Buddhism temple and he ought to become Buddhism priest.
But he selected the road to researcher in his carrier.
He sadly died at the age 37 in 1976.

Now I am back to my main work of thinking and writing on language.
I have renewed the site SRFL Lab, new titling SRFL Lab-Nerve for Nerve Theory which was originally titled Quantum-Nerve Theory from 2018.

URL is the next.  

New Nerve Theory successes Quantum-Nerve Theory widening the theory which totally includes energy-signal- nerve through algebraic geometry mainly using the splendid results of Perelman.

Best regards,

29 April 2021

SRFL Lab-Nerve

Thursday 29 April 2021

Letter to WPM. On Nerve Theory. 29 April 2021

 Dear WPM,

Thanks a lot to retweets of my papers.
In Japan, cherry blossoms fell in an instant at the beginning of April probably by global warning.
In  my youth days, I had loved the hills' cherry in my town at the end of April pedalling a bicycle up a slope. Sad change in the weather lately.
I did not upload papers in this winter season to WordPress for concentratively writing a biography of Japanese excellent researcher who died early in his age 30s by cancer. I learnt French from him at university.
Biography's title is Hananoi Kazumi and  small university on the hill.

URL is the next.

In 1970s I was in my youth and he was only eight years older than me.
He loved French language and literature especially novelist Stendhal. 
He was born at Buddhism temple and he ought to become Buddhism priest.
But he selected the road to researcher in his carrier.
He sadly died at the age 37 in 1976.

Now I am back to my main work of thinking and writing on language.
I have renewed the site SRFL Lab, new titling SRFL Lab-Nerve for Nerve Theory which was originally titled Quantum-Nerve Theory from 2018.

URL is the next.  

New Nerve Theory successes Quantum-Nerve Theory widening the theory which totally includes energy-signal- nerve through algebraic geometry mainly using the splendid results of Perelman.

Best regards,

29 April 2021

Sekinan Geometry


Friday 23 April 2021

Persian so far


2004年1月に情報学研究所から、口頭発表論文等を冊子として刊行するので完成原稿を送られたし、とのメールがあり、私は口頭発表原稿をもう一度見直し増補して送付した。5月には論文が掲載された厚い冊子が届けられた。従来の発表原稿と区別するために、冊子上の表題は、Quantum Theory for Language Synopsis とした。しかしここに至るまでの私は失敗と失意の日々を経ていた。それを乗り越えてきたとまではとても言えないが、その経過を略述したい。






言語の普遍性にういては、千野栄一先生からSergej Karcevskij の存在を教えていただいた。