Wednesday 28 February 2018

Perhaps return to physics” by Twitter SekinanLibrary

Perhaps return to physics

⚡️ “Perhaps return to physics” by

It is always the time of my youth. Perhaps forever.

28 February 2018

Hurrying up to library

Hurrying up to library


When I was a high school student, my dream of near future was to go to library everyday for reading, learning and researching my themes at that time unknown. In the school I liked solving easy questions of mathematics and physics,  but those were all rudimentary questions for general students aiming university's entrance.

I thought that there would be clear themes of my own life somewhere in my learning world, which never came up to the surface. So above all things I wanted to go library to find my themes for my study life, in which I probably would satisfy in my youth time. I dreamed my figure hurrying up to library with carrying books under my arm being bothered nothing perfectly.

At university my dream surely came to true. But a new more difficult problem emerged up in my front. It was a talent or gift for keeping study deeply. I was a common person having nothing peculiar gift. From that time my true long winding road to language study started towards hard field or precipitous mountain.

27 January 2015

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Tuesday 27 February 2018

Clifford Algebra Note 5 TOMONAGA's Super Multi-time Theory. PDF Text added

Note 5
TOMONAGA’s Super Multi-time Theory

1 <Schrödinger equation>
State vector     ψ
Time     t
Electromagnetic field     A
Hamiltonian     H
iψ(t) = (t),   ψ(0) = ψ     (1)
2 <Dirac’s paraphrase of Schrödinger equation >
Coordinate     x
Momentum     p
Electron     N in number
Electromagnetic field     A
H-em     Electromagnetic field Hamiltonian
H-em Hn ( xnpn(xn) ) +   ] ψ(t) = 0     (2)
3 <Representation by unitary transformation>
u(t) = exp{ H-em}
(xnt) u(t) A (xn) u(t)-1
Φ(t) = u(t) ψ(t)
Hn ( xnpn(xnt) ) +   ] Φ(t) = 0     (3)
4 < Dirac’s multi-time theory- Time variant in number >
[Hn ( xnpn(xntn) ) +   ] Φx1, t1; … ; xN, t) = 0     (4)
5 <Tomonaga’s representation of electromagnetic field>
Unitary transformation
U (t) = exp {  (H1 + H2 ) t }    
Schrödinger equation
[HH2 + H12  ] ψ(t) = 0    
Independent time variant txyz at each point in space 
H12 (xyztxyz ) +   ] Φ(t) = 0     (5)
6 < Tomonaga’s super multi-time theory>
Super curved surface     C
Point on C     P
4-dimensional volume’s transformation of     CP
Infinite small variation of state vectorΦ[C] = Φ[Txyz]      Φ[C]
H12 ( P ) +   ] Φ[C] = 0     (6)

<Past work on multi-time themes>
<For more details>

The upper text is imperfect:
The perfect text is now uploaded by PDF at the next.
Clifford Algebra Note 5 TOMONAGA's Super Multi-time Theory

27 February 2018

Sunday 25 February 2018

Clifford Algebra Note 5 TOMONAGA’s Super Multi-time Theory

Note 5
TOMONAGA’s Super Multi-time Theory

1 <Schrödinger equation>
State vector     ψ
Time     t
Electromagnetic field     A
Hamiltonian     H
iψ(t) = (t),   ψ(0) = ψ     (1)
2 <Dirac’s paraphrase of Schrödinger equation >
Coordinate     x
Momentum     p
Electron     N in number
Electromagnetic field     A
H-em     Electromagnetic field Hamiltonian
H-em Hn ( xnpn(xn) ) +   ] ψ(t) = 0     (2)
3 <Representation by unitary transformation>
u(t) = exp{ H-em}
(xnt) u(t) A (xn) u(t)-1
Φ(t) = u(t) ψ(t)
Hn ( xnpn(xnt) ) +   ] Φ(t) = 0     (3)
4 < Dirac’s multi-time theory- Time variant in number >
[Hn ( xnpn(xntn) ) +   ] Φx1, t1; … ; xN, t) = 0     (4)
5 <Tomonaga’s representation of electromagnetic field>
Unitary transformation
U (t) = exp {  (H1 + H2 ) t }    
Schrödinger equation
[HH2 + H12  ] ψ(t) = 0    
Independent time variant txyz at each point in space 
H12 (xyztxyz ) +   ] Φ(t) = 0     (5)
6 < Tomonaga’s super multi-time theory>
Super curved surface     C
Point on C     P
4-dimensional volume’s transformation of     CP
Infinite small variation of state vectorΦ[C] = Φ[Txyz]      Φ[C]
H12 ( P ) +   ] Φ[C] = 0     (6)

<Past work on multi-time themes>
<For more details>

Thanks to physics about which I ever dreamt in my future

Thanks to physics about which I ever dreamt in my future


In the days of high school, I deeply dreamt that someday physics would perfectly write over this world's phenomena by the clearest descriptions. So I longed for studying physics in the future. But I selected language's diverse wideness at the university, from where returning the clear descriptive situation represented by physics needed long and winding road for me. 

Now in my mind probably language and physics or mathematics are happily live together constructing the world's one main frame. I wonder why I took so much time to reach here. Long time ago, at least Pascal's era, philosophy and mathematics were both sides of shield for solving the world's hard problems. It is very appropriate that the fact is solved from every fields not being partitioned any artificial walls. 

Philosophy may be solved by mathematics and mathematics may opened by physical phenomenon. Now they all became common sense. Only I reached here delaying rather late. I am now situated in tranquil field. Thanks to so many pioneers, especially in mathematics. Also to physics about which I ever dreamt in my future.


25 July 2015 Reprint from note
Sekinan Study

25 February 2018 
Text revised

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Perhaps Return to Physics Note added

Perhaps Return to Physics

Recently my situation for language research has changed rather drastically. 

I have loved mathematics ever since I understood that mathematics was the only fantastic way for solving the problems of the nature through absolute clear description.

When I was at the third grade of the high school
, I remained in the class room for solving the swing state of a pendulum movement. It was the simple differential equation. But at that time I realised that one short equation contained the whole universe of a tiny pendulum. it was a real meeting with the mathematics and the our world.
At high school, I thought that the most fantastic way of life was in physics, especially in theoretical physics.  

In the autumn 1965, the Nobel Prize in physics was awarded to TOMONAGA Shin-ichiro. In the next morning of announcement, at our mathematics-science class was full of the prize about his award.

In those days I already  determined my university's speciality to theoretical physics. TOMONAGA's award was the splendid delight for me and the other science- course class mates. But various reasons led me to philology at the university life.

Since then nearly half a century passed by. My study on language was dimmed in the vast historical heritage of linguistics that had surely shown the many results for language. But my mind was not fine on my road up to that time. My object  gradually became to the one that was clear and understandable whoever desire to participate to talk with language. At the result after long winding road  I reached at the concrete place for study. It was the description by mathematics. It was the days of my mid 30s in 1980s. 

From those days some 20 years passed by. I became at 50s. I had written the short papers  little by little. Mathematics was really free to approach. I freely thought and imagined on language's essential parts. Several models were made for the situation of language's particular phases. But I recognised that mathematics starts at the some axioms and theorems and reached  a curtain high place' situation, which road is absolutely strict and exact and there is perfectly nothing related with real our world's phenomena, in my part on natural language. 

So recently I began to think that no relation with  models and natural phenomena on language was easily overcome by adopting the physical method using mathematics' various results. perhaps I return to physics which was my favourite in the high school days. Physics connects world and model freely. All the explanations are approximate values for world' phenomena. At this place I can freely adopt the models not thinking the theoretical consistency. 

Now I am standing  at the physical based place that was dreamt in my high school days.

  1.  Language, amalgamation of mathematics and physics / 13 May 2013     
  2.  True and False / Hierarchy of Language / July 25 – July 27, 2006                                                     
  3. True-false problem of the Crete / 22 July 2013
  4.  Half farewell to Sergej Karcevskij and the Linguistic Circle of Prague / 23 October 2013 
7 June 2016
Reprint from
In December 2003, I read a paper titled Quantum Theory for Language at a international symposium at Nara, Japan.In January 2004 I revised a little and uploaded the paper adding proviso " synopsis" on my new site, SRFL, Sekinan Research Field of Language. The proviso meant that the paper did not have sufficient basis so I would  add  mathematical approach for the theory in the near future. 
After the uploading I gradually learnt the contemporary mathematics results especially algebraic geometry, further more strict algebra aiming more clear basis for my theories.
The situation and study in these days are written at several essays seeing below.

Time passed rapidly and  now I stand at the algebraic and geometrical basis for more precise writing. Surely I am now at the door ever dreamt in my youth, named theoretical physics and the target is language using quantum group of algebra towards quantum language. Dream nearly comes true. embracing physics approach.
25 February 2018

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Saturday 17 February 2018

SRFL Lab / As of 17 February 2018



SRFL Lab is the working site of Sekinan Library.
Working subject is Quantum Group Language that is based on Deformation quantization of Poisson manifolds 
by M. Kontsevich.
Another working site is Geometrization Language that is based on Geometrization cinjecture by W.P.Thurston.

4 December 2015
14 February 2018


Main paper
Basic paper

1. Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language Note added 2003

2. Quantum Theory for Language 2004

Overview Paper
Concept Paper

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