Tuesday 31 October 2017

Geometrization Language Specialised site of Sekinan Library

Geometrization Language
Specialised site of Sekinan Library


Sekinan Library was founded in 1986, where Oriental language has been researched. 

SRFL is the abbreviation of Sekinan Research Field of Language, which was founded in 2003 and has succeeded sekinan Library's research work mainly focused on language unniversals.  

SRFL has aimed to make a new model being considered since August 2015, assisted by the great work of Grisha Perelman. 

Model's name is Geometrization Language, that will contain energy and distance, both are quite fantastic themes for me for long time. 

1 February 2016. 

Read more: http://geometrization-language.webnode.com/

Monday 30 October 2017

Notice for Model Simplified Level

Notice for Model Simplified Level

Model simplified level is planned at the early stage of Quantum theory for language.
In the paper of On Time Property Inherent in Characters (March 28, 2003), <Generation of characters> is the most important theme on the conception of my theory. The kernel of the theory is <Time principle of language>.  
In the paper of Quantum Theory for Language Summary (November 14, 2003),< Sentence machine> is planned containing the standpoint of True-False-Value, which is extremely fascinating theme on the theoretical linguistics of my interest. In the concept of <sentence machine>, there is a root of   language in relevance with T-F-Value problem. Because when a set of words generates a sentence, there emerges the non-ambiguous decision of words arrangement and also emerges the non-error value of sentence. If the sentence is made an error, the guarantee of language world collapses radically.
I wrote the paper of Guarantee of Language (June 12, 2004) particularly for the theme.
Prague Theory 2 (October 17, 2004) is added subtitle <About language Machine>. There I wrote the basic concept of <a device of automatic generating language>. There I present the sample of a sentence- generation.
Prague Theory 3 (January 28, 2005) is written on the basis of< automaton of language> in connection with uniformity of language.
Distance Theory (May 5, 2004) and Reversion Theory (September 27, 2004) is also important from the view point of language generation.
The root of my theory on language is now presented by the essays DirectionUniformityChangeabilityIndividuality and Time.
Please refer to the upper essays for more details.

Tokyo February 14, 2005

Read more: http://srfl-paper.webnode.com/products/notice-for-model-simplified-level1/

Method of Linguistics About Quantum Theory for Language

Method of Linguistics

About Quantum Theory for Language

1                 Quantum theory for language is applied to the digitalization of linguistics.
2                 Quantum exists on the orbit in the shape of digital signal.
3                 The orbit is linear situation of one directive propelling.
4                 The orbit exists on a floor of language building.
5                 Positive quantum propels on the orbit.
6                 Negative quantum links the floors.
7                 Quantum has a meaning and a time.
8                 Meaning is derived from a significant of indicator.
9                 Time is derived from a period of indicator.
10             Indicator is the minimum unit of the theory.
11             Quantum has a shape of visible writing.
12             For example Chinese character /ri/ in English means sun is a quantum.
13             /Ri/ has a shape derived from the visible impression of sun.
14             /Ri/ has a meaning of sun.
15             /Ri/ has a time of eternity.
16             Chinese character /shang/ in English means rise is a quantum.
17             /Shang/ has a shape derived from the visible impression of putting thing.
18             /Shang/ has a meaning of putting thing..
19             /Shang/ has a time of putting activity.
20             Quanta connect linearly in the condition of time from short to long.
21             /Shang/’ time is shorter than /Ri/.
22             Shorter time to longer time connect well.
23             /Shang/ and /Ri/ connect well.
24             /Shang ri/ becomes a phrase, in English means Rising sun.
In this case,< connection rule> is worked.
25             A phrase is on a orbit of a floor. 
26             /Ri/ and /Shang/ separate each other.
27             /Ri shang./ becomes s sentence, in English means The sun rises.
In this case,< separation rule> is worked.
28             A sentence is on orbits, two or over two floors.
29             In upper case, /ri/ and /shang/ are both positive quantum.
There are no negative quanta.
Generally negative quanta can change and link the different floors.
In this case, /shang/ is a temporary negative quantum.
So /shang/ can changes and links the two orbit.
Temporary action occurs by the case of having eternal or sub eternal time quantum leads the non eternal quantum.
30             Shorter time quantum is shown by the mark of qs.
31             Longer time quantum is shown by the mark of ql
32             <Connection rule> is shown by the mark of<> .
33             <Separation rule> is shown by the mark of>< .
34             Upper two cases are shown by the marks below.
35             A phrase is shown by the marks of ( ).
36             A sentence is shown by the marks of { }.
37             Upper two cases are shown by the marks below.
38             A floor is shown by the marks of _____.
39             Changing floors are shown by the mark of ↑.
40             Upper two cases are shown by the marks below.
41             Quantum movement stops when the meaning of quantum comes close to the real world to the utmost point in the situation.
42             Stopping situation is shown by the mark of |.
43             Upper two cases are shown by the marks below.
44             Quantum of language is guaranteed by the constant movement to the real world.
45             The real world is a standstill point of quantum.
46             Quantum is measured by the distance to the real world.
47             Nearer distance is stronger than farer distance.
In this situation, <strength rule> is worked.
48             Strength of quantum is shown by the mark of dotted line longitude.
Narrow longitude is stronger than wide longitude.
49             Upper two cases are shown by the marks below.

TOKYO June 26, 2004

Sekinan Research Field of Language

Read more: http://srfl-paper.webnode.com/products/method-of-linguistics-about-quantum-theory-for-language/

Methodical Paper

Method of Linguistics About Quantum Theory for Language

Method of Linguistics   About Quantum Theory for Language   TANAKA Akio     1                 Quantum theory for language is applied to the digitalization of...

Method Paper Contents

  Method Paper 1 Method of linguistics Automaton of language see Prague Theory 2, PragueTheory 3              

Positioning of Quantum

Positioning of Quantum   TANAKA Akio     1 On model simplified level, Quantum of language has a numeral value set in three dimensions. 2 A numeral value set is expressed by putting values in parentheses. 3 A numeral value set consists of meaning value, sub meaning value and time...

Notice for Model Simplified Level

Notice for Model Simplified Level   TANAKA Akio   1 Model simplified level is planned at the early stage of Quantum theory for language. In the paper of On Time Property Inherent in Characters (March 28, 2003), <Generation of characters> is the most important theme on the conception...

Core quanta and Convergence of Quanta A Case of Model Simplified Level

  Core quanta and Convergence of Quanta   A Case of Model Simplified Level   TANAKA Akio     1 In model simplified level, abbreviated to MSL, there are core quanta in a set of quanta.  Example, a set of quanta, / Jin tian wo qu xue xiao xue xi zhong wen./ in English...

Reconstruction of Information between Two Quanta A Case of Model Simplified Level

  Reconstruction of Information between Two Quanta   A Case of Model Simplified Level   TANAKA Akio     1 The former quantum sends information to the next quantum by the combination of two quanta. 2 The combination begins to occur in the situation of putting the punctuation...

Sending and Receiving Information of Quantum A Case of Model Simplified Level

Sending and Receiving Information of Quantum   A Case of Model Simplified Level   TANAKA Akio     1 Quantum moves on a line of the orbit being spread on a floor of language. 2 The quantum being separated in the farthest position goes to the next quantum while sending its...

Notice for Model Simplified Level

  Notice for Model Simplified Level   TANAKA Akio   1 Model simplified level is planned at the early stage of Quantum theory for language. In the paper of On Time Property Inherent in Characters (March 28, 2003), <Generation of characters> is the most important theme on the...

Model Paper Contents

    Model Papers     1 Model of quantum theory for language 2 Sending and receiving information of quantum 3 Reconstruction of information between two quanta 4 Core...

Methodical Paper Contents

Methodical Paper 1 Model Papers 2 Method Paper 3 Basic Papers 4 Additional Papers

Read more: http://srfl-paper.webnode.com/methodical-paper/




1 <Quantum> is generated from <frame>.
2 <Quantum> is expressed by adequate value.
3 <Quantum> is a set of <active element>.
4 <Frame> is a set of <passive element>.
5 Inner of <system> is expressed by <equivalent circuit>.
6 <Passive element> is transforms to <active element>.
7 <Passive element> consists of <proto meaning> and <proto grammar>.
8 <Proto grammar> is finite and descriptive at start.
9 <Grammar> is completed in <frame> after analysis of <quantum>.
10 <Proto meaning> generates <meaning> at the situation of <quantum>’s <active element>.
11 <Meaning> consists of <proto meaning> and <vector>.
12 <Proto meaning> is finite and descriptive by itself.
13 <Meaning> is finite and descriptive at the connection of next <quantum>.
14 Natural language is transformed to <language> in <frame> by reading devise.
15 <Language> is transformed to<sentence> in <quantum>.
16 <Sentence> is analyzed to a set of <proto meaning> and <vector>.
17 <Vector> is memorized in <frame> together with <proto meaning> and <proto grammar>.
18 <Vector> is expressed by <function>.
19 Main <function> is below.
f (connect)  let <quantum> connect to next <quantum>
f (lack)  search lack of <quantum> in <sentence>
f (order) determine order of <quantum>
f (memory) memorize the situation of connection
20 <Vector> is essential basis of <meaning>.

TOKYO March 21, 2005

Sekinan Research Field of Language





1        [Conversation]
“Where is BOXROOT station?”  “Go straight along this street.”
2        [Analysis]
/where/        <question-answer>                              /place definition/-/here CLOCK TOWER/
   /is/           <presence+first person-presence+second person>       /are/
   /BOXROOT/   <definition+place name-specification+place position>     /place mapping/
   /station/        <definition+connection-specification+BOXROOT>      /BOXROOT station/-<specified>
   /place definition/-/here CLOCK TOWER/    <definite place>
   /are/            <specified>            /you/+/CLOCK TOWER/
   /place mapping/                        /you/+<mapping BOXROOT>+/CLOCK TOWER/-<separated>
   /BOXROOT station/  <specified>         /you/+/BOXROOT station/+/CLOCK TOWER/-<separation+specification>
   /BOXROOT station/+/CLOCK TOWER/   /straight/
<separation+specification>               /go/
   /go/ /straight/+<mapping>                /go/ /straight/ /along/+/street/+/this/
   <generation>                         /you/ /go/ /straight/ /along/ /this/ /street/
   <answerable>                        /you/-<deletion>
   <sentence>                          “Go straight along this street.”
3        [Function for generation]
f (question)
f (answer)
f (definition)
f (presence)
f (name)
f (specification)
f (mapping)
f (separation)
f (deletion)
f (sentence)
4  [Frame]
   { where, I, you, am, are, go, straight, along, this, street, BOXROOT, station }
5        [Quantum succession]
/you/  +f(presence)
/go/   +f(mapping)
/street/ +f(mapping)
/this/  +f(mapping)
/go/ /straight/+f(mapping)
/go/ /straight/ /along/ /this/ /street/+f(sentence)
“Go straight along this street.”

TOKYO March 11, 2005

Sekinan Research Field of Language





1 <Quantum > is in <system.>.
2 <Quantum> arranges itself in<lineation>.
3 Arrangement of <quantum> is determined by <algorithm> of arrangement.
4 <Algorithm> consists of a set of <function>.
5 <Function> controls <movement> of <quantum>
6 <Movement> generates <sentence> in <system>.
7 <Sentence> is a set of <quantum>.
8 <Quantum> of <sentence> is logically connected by a set of <function>.
9 <Function> is finite.
10 <Function> transforms natural language to <sentence>.
11 <Sentence > is an artificial language in <system>.
12 Space between word and word in natural language is filled by <function>.  
13 chief <function> is below.
f (transform) let natural language to <sentence>
f (return)  let <sentence> to natural language
f (start)  let <sentence> start
f (end)  let <sentence> end
f (select)  select <quantum> from <frame>
f (arrange)  let <quantum> arrange
f (determine) put <quantum> in <system>
f (inquire)  inquire <frame> for best selection of <quantum>
f (add)  let <sentence> enter to <frame>
f (erase) let <sentence> erase from <frame>
f (insert) insert new information to <frame> from outer.
14 <Sentence> is protected in <system> by operation of <function>.
15 <Small drift> of natural language is rewritten by <function> to <vector>.
16 <Big drift> of natural language is rewritten by <function> to <vector>.
17 <Vector> of <big drift> is value 0 in general.
18 <Changeability> and <individuality> of natural language is guaranteed by <vector> of <sentence> in <system>.
19 <Movement> of <quantum> leaves <locus>.
20 <Locus> is added to <frame>.
21 <Locus> is operated to storage for temporary or permanent.
22 <Locus> is added as<library> in <frame>.
23 <Library> is added freely from outer by f (insert).
24 <Quantum> is energetic.
25 <Frame> is not energetic.
26 Stage of <quantum> is temporary.
27 Stage of <frame> is permanent.
28 <Quantum> generates <sentence>.
29 <Locus> of <sentence> make <library> to <frame>.
30 <Locus> of <sentence> in <library> is called <language>.
31 <Language> is taken out as the form of natural language.

TOKYO March 21, 2005

Sekinan Research Field of Language


Lineation For CHOMSKY Noam




1 <Quantum> and <frame> are the components of <twin language>.
2 <Quantum> has <lineation>.
3 Therefore <quantum> has not any <branch>.
4 <Quantum> has <locus>.
5 <Quantum> is in a <coordinate system>.
6 <Quantum> has <coordinate value>.
7 Therefore <quantum> has <descriptiveness>.
8 <Frame> has not <lineation>.
9 <Frame> has some kinds of <branch>, which is called <derivative>.
10 <Frame> has not any <locus>.
11 <Frame> has a set of <ideogram>.
12 <Ideogram> is a unit which consists of <meaning> and <grammar>.
13 <Ideogram>s are finite and countable.
14 Therefore <frame> is finite.
15 <Frame> has <descriptiveness>. 
16 <Quantum> has an <energy>.
17 Therefore <quantum> has <movement>. This situation of <energy> is called <woken energy>.
18 <Frame> has <energy>, but has not <activity>. This <energy> is called <slept energy>.
19 Therefore <frame> has not any <movement>.
20 <Quantum> is dynamic.
21 <Quantum> is not portable.
22 <Locus> of <quantum> is portable.
23 <Frame> is static.
24 <Frame> is portable.
25 <Quantum> is chosen from <frame>.
26 Chosen <quantum> is called <bare quantum>.
27 <Lineation> of <quantum> is determined by <data> given to <frame> from outside.
28 <Lineation> of <quantum> is made automatically by <bare quantum> and <data>.
29 <Bare quantum> and <data> make transformed <quantum>, which is called <clothed quantum>.
30 <Lineation> is a set of <clothed quantum>.
31 <Bare quantum> is portable.
32 <Clothed quantum> is not portable.
33 <Bare quantum> generates <clothed quantum> using <energy> and <data>.
34 <Sleep energy> in <frame> is woken by <data>.
35 <Sleep energy> transforms <active energy>.
36 <Sentence> of <language> ends when all <bare quantum> become all <clothed quantum>.
37 A set of all <clothed quantum> is static, which is called <sleep quantum>.
38 <Quantum> has three kinds, <bare quantum>, <clothed quantum> and <sleep quantum>.
39 <Energy> has two kinds, <woken energy> and <slept energy>. 
40 <Twin language> is portable in <slept> situation.
41<Slept> <twin language> is portable, transformative and copy-able.
42 <Twin language> has two usefulness, automatism and portability.

Tokyo March 11, 2005
Sekinan Research Field of Language