Sunday 3 April 2022

About Broad Language 2018


About Broad Language  2018

Comment at Time

I have written several letters to acquaintances on books, ideogram, 21st century's themes and so forth from the beginning of this year. Probably it is the time for looking back over the past of my study footprints. 23 September 2018.
On 25 May 2018 I went to Tokyo Metropolitan Museum, Ueno, Tokyo to see the exhibition titled French Landscape Paintings from the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow. When I saw the paintings, a notion occurred in my mind, that was caused by my study's theme, time in ideogram. For details refer the essays written before. Now I point out one thing. Possibly painting is near to ideogram, such as the floating time between painting's air expression and ideogram's line and ideogram's space.   23 September 2018.  
Broad Language is my new concept from the beginning of this year. Details are shown at Letter to Y. Of Broad Language on 5 February 2018. Related papers are also seen at Determination of concept, Broad Language. 23 September 2018.
SQGL has started Blog page. At first I took up Old Tokyo, in which I wrote on Kiyozumi Park, Koto Ward, Tokyo.  14 October 2018.
Sekinan Library's history till 2015 is shown at the blog, Sekinan Research Field of Language to SRFL Theory, which is reprinted from SRFL Data's History. 14 October 2018.
On 25 May 2018 I went to Tokyo Metropolitan Museum, Ueno, Tokyo to see the exhibition titled French Landscape Paintings from the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow. 16 October 2018.
From LT Pen Extract, Non-symmetry, 1920s' Prague and Sergej Karcevskij's "Du dualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique".  17 October 2018.
Tale TO WINTER. RI Ko. 2015. 17 Winter comes as grace falls. 19 October 2018.
Tale TO WINTER. RI Ko. 11 Paul Dirac and TOMONAGA Shin-ichiro on Super multi time theory. 20 October 2018.

23 September 2018 - 20 October 2018

7 July 2020
Sekinan Nerve 

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