Friday, 13 April 2018

Positioning of Quantum

Positioning of Quantum

1 On model simplified level, Quantum of language has a numeral value set in three dimensions.
2 A numeral value set is expressed by putting values in parentheses.
3 A numeral value set consists of meaning value, sub meaning value and time value.
4 Each value is abbreviated to MV, SMV and TV.
5 Examples are now adopted from modern Chinese.
6 Example 1, Wo qu, in English means, I go.
7 Example 2, Xuexiao, in English means, school.
8 In example, sentence is expressed by [  ].
9 In example, word is expressed by [[  ]].
10 In example, quantum is expressed by /  /.
11 Example 1 is expressed by [wo qu].
12 Example 2 is expressed by [[xuexiao]].
13 Example 1 and 2 consist of the following quanta.
14 Quantization of example 1 and 2 is /wo/, /qu/, /xue/ and /xiao/.
15 For the numbering of MV and SMV, WORD LIST OF SEMANTIC PRINCIPLE (National Language Research Institute Publications  Source 6  Tokyo  1964) is adopted as operation hypothesis. SMV is a serial number of each classification of the book.
16 For the numbering of TV, five categories are adopted as operation hypothesis.
17 Five categories are existence, movement, modification, degree and decision.
18 Each category has grade as operation hypothesis.
19 Each category is expressed by the number 500, 400, 300, 200 and 100.
20 Category has grade and class.
21 Grade is from 50 to 10. 50 grade is the longest time and 10 is the shortest. Evaluation of degree is made by the condition of the things.
   Class is from 5 to 1. 5 class is the longest time and 1 is the shortest. Evaluation of class is made by the activity of the things.
For example, /wo/ is categorized by number 500 because of existence, graded by number 40 because of movement, class by number 5 because of strong activity.
22 Category, grade and class are added together and expressed as one number.
For example, /wo/ is expressed as 545.
23 Each quantum of example 1and 2 is expressed as follows.
  /wo/ (12020  2  545)
  /qu/ ( 21527  14  455)
  /xue/ (23050  6  453)
  /xiao/ (12630  29  551)
24 Example 1 and 2 are digitized as follows.
  (12020  2  545)  (21527  14  455)  (23050  6  453)  (12630  29  551)
25 MV is located on x-axis as operation hypothesis, SMV is y-axis, and TV is z-axis on a coordinate system.
26 Each quantum is positioned on the coordinate system.
27 Generally quanta are arranged by the longitude of TV.
28 Larger number of TV is stronger and earlier positioning on arrangement.
29uantum of example 1 and 2 are arranged as follows.
   (12630  29  551) (12020  2  545)  ( 21527  14  455)  (23050  6  453)
30 The upper arrangement of digitization is returned to characters as follows.
   [Xiao wo qu xue]
31 If MV, SMV and TV is standardized suitably, automatic sentence generation from the at-random input of quanta is able to realize in the nearest future. 
32 The numbering of MV and SMV will be presently planned from the basis of meaning in Essays.

TOKYO February 19, 2005

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