Friday, 13 April 2018

Notice for Model Simplified Level

Notice for Model Simplified Level

Model simplified level is planned at the early stage of Quantum theory for language.
In the paper of On Time Property Inherent in Characters (March 28, 2003), <Generation of characters> is the most important theme on the conception of my theory. The kernel of the theory is <Time principle of language>.  
In the paper of Quantum Theory for Language Summary (November 14, 2003), <Sentence machine> is planned containing the standpoint of True-False-Value, which is extremely fascinating theme on the theoretical linguistics of my interest. In the concept of <sentence machine>, there is a root of   language in relevance with T-F-Value problem. Because when a set of words generates a sentence, there emerges the non-ambiguous decision of words arrangement and also emerges the non-error value of sentence. If the sentence is made an error, the guarantee of language world collapses radically.
I wrote the paper of Guarantee of Language (June 12, 2004) particularly for the theme.
Prague Theory 2 (October 17, 2004) is added subtitle <About language Machine>. There I wrote the basic concept of <a device of automatic generating language>. There I present the sample of a sentence- generation.
Prague Theory 3 (January 28, 2005) is written on the basis of <automaton of language> in connection with uniformity of language.
Distance Theory (May 5, 2004) and Reversion Theory (September 27, 2004) is also important from the view point of language generation.
The root of my theory on language is now presented by the essays DirectionUniformityChangeabilityIndividuality and Time.
Please refer to the upper essays for more details.

Tokyo February 14, 2005

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