Friday, 13 April 2018



1 Automaton of language is expressed by perfect <descriptiveness>.
2 What is descriptiveness is that all elements of language consist of clearly countable <finiteness>.
3 Finite elements of language generate <infiniteness> of language.
4 In <Quantum Theory for Language>, <infiniteness> of language is expressed by <free movement> of <quantum>.
5 <Free movement> is expressed by <locus> of <quantum>.
6 <Locus> is expressed by <coordinate system>.
7 Therefore all movements of <quantum> is expressed by the <coordinate value>.
8 <Center> of <coordinate system> is located in the real world.
9 <Quantum> is finite. <Locus> is infinite.
10 <Language of Quantum Theory for Language> generates <infinite> language by <finite> <Quantum>.
11 <Locus> is changeable infinitely. It is called <small drift>.
12 <Center> is changeable infinitely. It is called <big drift>.
13 <Language> is changeable infinitely in <Quantum Theory for Language>.
14 <Quantum> is controlled by <frame> of <initial condition>.
15 <Frame> is static, portable and copy-capable in fixed condition.
16 <Frame> generates <quantum>’s movement by input of information from outside.
17 <Quantum> needs energy for its movement.
18<Locus> of <quantum> is rewritable to <frame>.
19 <Frame> is <fixation>.
20 <Quantum> is <fluctuation>.
21 <Frame> and <quantum> make new language.
22 The language is named <twin language>.
23 <Twin language> shall be a foundation for automaton of language by its <descriptiveness>.

TOKYO March 10, 2005

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