Friday, 27 April 2018

Quantification of Quantum, Place where Quantum of Language Exists, Core quanta and Convergence of Quanta A Case of Model Simplified Level

Quantification of Quantum

1         /Hanyu/ Chinese in English what is classified in isolating language by linguistic typology has characters in each which there are one syllable and one meaning in principle.
2         Here I assume that one Chinese character is a quantum of language which has a unit of one meaning.
3         In Chinese language /shici/ notional word in English is assumed a positive quantum which has a positive unit in general.
4         In Chinese language /xuci/ functional word in English is assumed a negative quantum which has a negative unit in general.
5         A positive quantum has a propelling energy, by which a quantum can go forward to a next quantum.
6         A negative quantum has an absorbing energy, by which a quantum can absorb, stop or change a next quantum.
7         When a positive quantum stands close by a negative quantum, it is forced to stop or to change own propelling course.
8         Summing up above mentioned, a quantum is the smallest unit of language.
9         A quantum appears to the language world for being requested to send a new meaning.
10     A quantum has an energy which maintains the position in the language world. If a quantum has not energy, a new meaning can never appears to the language world.
11     An energy is united to a meaning inseparably.
12     A quantum disappears from the language world being in the no used situation.
13     /Bu/ not in English is originally meant a part of a flower. But this meaning disappears early days in the Chinese language. Later /bu/ is used as a functional word. 
14     In Chinese language a notional word and a functional word is not clearly classified.
There are mutual extension and conversion in the Chinese language.
15     When a positive quantum ends a role of investing a notional meaning to the language world, an energy what a quantum has originally disappears.
16     Non-energy quantum is pressurized from other energetic positive quantum. As a consequence non-energy quantum accepts a negative energy internally. A negative quantum comes into existence.
17     A negative quantum has a negative energy, therefore a positive quantum is forced to stop or change the own propelling course.
18     Two or over two quantum form a new construction.
19     A positive quantum transfers a meaning to the next quantum.
20     A negative quantum stops or changes the propelling course of the front quantum.
In other words, a negative quantum accepts the energy of a front positive quantum.
21     A positive quantum propels on an orbit.
When a negative quantum changes an orbit of a positive quantum, new construction come into the language world.
22     An orbit exists on a floor of multilayer construction.
23     A negative quantum changes the flour of a positive quantum to another floor.
24     A positive quantum propels on an orbit of a floor of a multilayer construction.
25     Therefore when a negative quantum stands at first on an orbit, a positive quantum is originally standing front of the first-standing negative quantum.
26     A negative quantum is assumed that it does not invent a meaning to the language world, but it leads a positive quantum to the own area that is vacant in non-energy situation.
27     A negative quantum newly has energy of absorption, which was born by the vacant and continually being pressured situation among the positive quanta.

Tokyo May 29, 2004
For the Memory of Hakuba August 23, 2003

[References / January 29, 2008]
<Related papers>
<More details>
[Note for basis]
In this paper, on binary relations of <shici-xuci>, <notional word - functional word> and <positive quantum –negative quantum>, refer to the next.

[Reference / December 22, 2008]
<On symmetry in language>

[Reference / January 1, 2009]
<On meaning and grammar>

[Reference / January 5, 2009]
<On notional and functional word>

Place where Quantum of Language Exists

1            Quantum of language is the smallest unit of language.
2            Quantum of language moves linearly on the floor of language.
3            Linear movement is the properties of quantum.
4            Floor of language is on the space of language.
5            The space of language is two dimensions.
6            Two dimensions are horizontal and vertical.
7            Horizontal movement makes word, #1
8            Vertical movement makes sentence. #1
9            The space of language is electrical digitized place.
10        Chinese /jiao shi/ means classroom in English. 
11        /Jiao/ is a quantum of language.
12        /Shi/ is a quantum of language.
13        /Jiao shi/ is a word.
14        /Jiao/ sends a quantum to /shi/ quantum.
15        /Shi/ quantum receives a quantum from /jiao/ quantum.
16        What sends quantum is called positive.
17        What receives quantum is called negative.
18        Quantum has positive energy in original condition.
19        Quantum changes negative in the situation of quanta set.
20        Quantum change occurs in two situations in general.
21        One situation is what quanta stand side by side on a floor and neighboring quanta connect well. #2
22        The other situation is what quant change oneself by the non-use of quanta meaning in language history progress. #2
23        Word has a positive- negative construction.
24        Positive-negative construction occurs on a floor.
25        Sentence has a positive-positive construction.
26        Positive-positive construction occurs on different floors.
27        The latter quantum transfers on a different floor. This transfer is called <jump>.
28        Quantum has electrical energy which flows to the electrical zero level.
29        Electrical zero level is a sentence end where quantum of language ideally accord with the real world. #3
30        A floor of language is a non-branches electrical circuit.
31        Word is a non-branch circuit.
32        Sentence is a branch circuit.
33        The meaning of word and sentence is a compound system of electrical signals.

#1 Definition of word and sentence can be seen in the paper Method of Linguistics and other papers on the site of Sekinan Research Field of Language /
#2 Definition of connect well can be seen in the paper of “Quantum Theory for Language Synopsis” and other papers on the site of SRFL.
#3 Definition of sentence end can be seen in the paper “Mirror Theory”“Mirror Language” and other papers on the site of SRFL.

Tokyo July 18, 2004

[Referential note November 9, 2007]
<Place where Quantum of Language Exists> is related with the next papers on the concept.

[Referential note February 9, 2008]
† Concept <jump> of /27/ is thinkable in connection with <quantum group’s parameter q> at the paper Kac-Moody Lie Algebra / Quantum Group /.
Refer to the next.

Core quanta and Convergence of Quanta

A Case of Model Simplified Level

1 In model simplified level, abbreviated to MSL, there are core quanta in a set of quanta.
 Example, a set of quanta, / Jin tian wo qu xue xiao xue xi zhong wen./ in English Today I go to school learn Chinese.
 In the upper case, core quanta are /tian/ sky, /wo/ I, /xiao/ school and /wen/ character.
 Core quanta have longer time elements in comparison with other quanta. Time element is abbreviated to TE.
 Time element is explained minutely in the paper of Reversion Theory.
2 The set of quanta is diagrammed below.
 Jin tian
        qu xue xiao
                xue xi zhong wen.
 The diagram is formed by time principle, connection rule and separation rule, which are explained in the paper of Quantum Theory for Language Synopsis.
 In the diagram, inherent time lag of quanta is below.
 So /tian/, /wo/ and /xiao/ are not connected and separated from next quantum. They are located on the new floor.
3 Each core quantum is equal role in a set of quanta. But the last core quantum becomes the convergent quantum, the next of which becomes the standstill point of a sentence.
4 The abstract of core quanta is below.
 Inherent time element is below.
 As a consequence, tian-wo-xiao becomes a sentence. Then xiao and wen becomes another sentence, in general usage, compound sentence.
5 Each quantum is connected by the time principle, which connect quanta from shorter time to longer.
 But core quantum forms a line from longer to shorter.
6 In this set of quanta, precisely saying, /xiao/ is a co-convergent quantum.  
7 Convergent quantum is a goal of moving, which is a border on the real world.

TOKYO November 5, 2004

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