What is signal?
A mathematical model of nerve
For father and mother
21 November 2018-1 December 2018
This short paper would finally write on signal through the relation between language and nerve, for which using mathematical method at the way.
This paper's one of kernels is energy which is naturally accepted at the side of verve, but at the side of language, it may be not accepted widely till now.
In this paper, I probably do not refer to the language's energy, that has been written several times in the papers before.
If necessary refer to the next essays.
Around 2008, I was thinking on energy in language related with distance in language. Distance is one of the kernel themes of my study of language universals in those days. In simply saying, distance is the result of movement and for movement there must inevitably needs energy. So I had thought that if language have distance, there must be energy or its alike in language that is supposed in mathematical models. But in my ability in 2008, I could not develop the deep and wide range of language from the theme, energy and distance. So Energy Distance Theory was still now unfinished.
Read more: https://geometrization-language.webnode.com/news/the-days-when-i-was-thinking-on-energy-distance-theory/?
Energy of language 2015
1. Language
Next definition for language shows my simple image to language and energy.
Language and Spacetime
Definition for the Child who Lost the World
Definition for the Child who Lost the World
0 The world spreads around the human being.
1 Language divides the world.
2 Language connects the world.
3 Language bends the world.
4 Language stretches the world.
5 Language shrinks the world.
6 Language extinguishes the world.
7 Language creates the world.
8 Language gives despair.
9 Language gives hope.
10 Language is pasting on spacetime with energy.
1 Language divides the world.
2 Language connects the world.
3 Language bends the world.
4 Language stretches the world.
5 Language shrinks the world.
6 Language extinguishes the world.
7 Language creates the world.
8 Language gives despair.
9 Language gives hope.
10 Language is pasting on spacetime with energy.
[Referential note / November 29, 2007]
For Authentication of Solidity
[Definition added / November 3, 2008]
Definition 10, the part of <with energy> is newly added.
[Referential note / November 29, 2007]
For Authentication of Solidity
[Definition added / November 3, 2008]
Definition 10, the part of <with energy> is newly added.
Tokyo March 3, 2007
Tokyo November 3, 2008 Added
Tokyo November 3, 2008 Added
Read more: https://srfl-lab.webnode.com/news/language-definition-for-the-child-who-lost-the-world/
2. Human sense
On language and human sense, I ever wrote simply at the next paper.
Macro Time and Micro time
24 July 2013
24 July 2013
#1 Time of Word / Complex Manifold Deformation Theory / January 1, 2009 / sekinanlogos
#2 PASCAL PENSÉES. Translated with an introduction by A.J. Krailsheimer. PENGUIN BOOKS 1966.
#3 Escalator language and Time For SHINRAN’s Idea and BOHDISATTVA / Escalator Language Theory / December 16, 2006 / Sekinan Research Field of Language
#4 From Finiteness to Infinity on Language / Topological Group Theory / February 1, 2009 / sekinanlogos
#5 Understandability of Language / Complex Manifold Deformation Theory /January 9, 2009 / sekinanlogos
1. Through natural language, in human being, occurred the electrical signal by eye or ear. These complex situations are beyond this paper’s limits.
2. Language is a physical object as signal and its transmission. At this circumstances, language must be recognised to be the existence that has finite time.
3. An apple on the desk gradually becomes rotten by passing the time very after the crop in the orchard. #0
4. Like an apple, language has passing physical time in oneself.
5. Language is metamorphosed by the time progressing. #1
6. Language includes the outer world from human being to universe. At this declaration, I recall Blaise Pascal’s Pensées. XXXIII. PROOFS OF JESUS CHRIST 308 The infinite distance between body and mind symbolizes the infinitely more infinite distance between mind and charity, for charity is supernatural.(Translated by A.J. Krailsheimer, 1966) #2
7. Language’s time goes freely from the present to the future or the present to the past. #3
8. Language symbolises the time from finiteness to infinity. #4
9. Human being recognises this vast language world perfectly. #5
#0 For WITTGENSTEIN Ludwig Position of Language / December 10, 2005 – August 3, 2012 / Sekinan Research Field of Language#1 Time of Word / Complex Manifold Deformation Theory / January 1, 2009 / sekinanlogos
#2 PASCAL PENSÉES. Translated with an introduction by A.J. Krailsheimer. PENGUIN BOOKS 1966.
#3 Escalator language and Time For SHINRAN’s Idea and BOHDISATTVA / Escalator Language Theory / December 16, 2006 / Sekinan Research Field of Language
#4 From Finiteness to Infinity on Language / Topological Group Theory / February 1, 2009 / sekinanlogos
#5 Understandability of Language / Complex Manifold Deformation Theory /January 9, 2009 / sekinanlogos
Read more: https://srfl-lab.webnode.com/news/macro-time-and-micro-time/
3. Signal
Signal Goes to meaning.
Traffic signal shows Go, Attention and Stop to people by three colour lights
Morse code sends a message by short and long signals.
Signal has structure that resembles language.
Morse code can regards as a written language.
What is signal's peculiarity?
It depends on signal's generation that has simple on-off phenomenon.
This phenomenon combines with the other on-off phenomena and become complex structure that has meaning like language.
Signal seems a primordial form of language.
4. Nerve
Is nerve signal?
I have any knowledge on physiological nerve.
So at this paper I prepare a mathematical model of nerve comparative with signals.
At mathematical model, on-off system is not simply fit with the expression of mathematical space.
Here on-off system is arranged for more simple form.
I ever wrote a paper below.
The paper is a very intuitive one but there are some hints on signal.
Now I need one chapter for my new trial paper.
The chapter is " 6. Basic principle of quantum theory"
The original text is the following.
6 量子理論の基本原理
すなわち陰性量子は、陽性量子が有する言語世界への直接的な意味を行うのではなく、実辞としてはもはや空白となった自らの領域へ、陽性量子を導くjことによって、一種の真空無重力の状態を現前させ、その方位を転換することであると仮定する。その転換に必要とされるエネルギーは、領域が受けている被圧迫のエネルギーから生ずるものと仮定する。 Read more: https://srfl-lab.webnode.com/products/manuscript-of-quantum-theory-for-language-with-preface-note-and-note-2-2003-2018/
At this chapter, the most important concept is positive quantum and negative quantum.
Negative quantum changed to positive quantum by energy.
At the linear space, quantum changes positive to negative and also negative to positive.
By this model, on-off phenomena are mapped at the linear space's quanta's situation.
In the models, quantum is led from V.G.Drinfel'd and M.Jinbo's Quantum group originated in 1985.
JIMBO Michio. Quantum group and Yang-Baxter equation. Maruzen Shuppan. Tokyo. 2012
5. Method
Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language written in spring 2003 was roughly designed at a days I was in hospital by pneumonia half a month in October 2002, when I always saw the river and the mountains west end of Tokyo. I was the very reviewing life time for my research work.
6. Quantum group
I think that language's foundation is in word.
Read more: https://srfl-lab.webnode.com/news/quantum-group-language-word-indexed-and-word-synthesized/
Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language written in spring 2003 was roughly designed at a days I was in hospital by pneumonia half a month in October 2002, when I always saw the river and the mountains west end of Tokyo. I was the very reviewing life time for my research work.
My poor study was restricted in a narrow field of Chinese classical linguistics mainly developed in the late Qing dynasty the latter half of the 19th century,represented by DUAN Yucai, WANG Niansun, WANG Yingzhi, my favourite WANG Guowei and so forth.
So I determined that my approach to language was only in it and it was the most intimate for me at that time and probably herein after considering my tiny accumulation of study.
Next essay shortly showed the situation in 2002.
1970s' dream, writing clear description on language universals by mathematics
From The Days of Ideogram
4. Time property in characters
In Autumn 2002 I got pneumonia and was hospitalized about 2 weeks, where I thought of 1970s' dream, writing clear description on language universals by mathematics. The theme was as hard as ever. So, at the bed I thought the basis of language from the side of Chinese character’s classical approach which had vast heritage till Qing dynasty. I directed my attention to the character's figure which had compound meanings containing time elements continuing from Yin dynasty's hieroglyphic characters left on bones and tortoise carapaces some 2400 years ago. I thought that Chinese characters had containing time and its structure could be written by geometric approach once I had abandoned for difficulty. After leaving hospital, I wrote a paper titled On Time Property Inherent in Characters*3-1.
Read more: http://srfl-paper.webnode.com/news/the-days-of-ideogram/
4. Time property in characters
In Autumn 2002 I got pneumonia and was hospitalized about 2 weeks, where I thought of 1970s' dream, writing clear description on language universals by mathematics. The theme was as hard as ever. So, at the bed I thought the basis of language from the side of Chinese character’s classical approach which had vast heritage till Qing dynasty. I directed my attention to the character's figure which had compound meanings containing time elements continuing from Yin dynasty's hieroglyphic characters left on bones and tortoise carapaces some 2400 years ago. I thought that Chinese characters had containing time and its structure could be written by geometric approach once I had abandoned for difficulty. After leaving hospital, I wrote a paper titled On Time Property Inherent in Characters*3-1.
Read more: http://srfl-paper.webnode.com/news/the-days-of-ideogram/
6. Quantum group
I think that language's foundation is in word.
Recently I started the new approach to word that has more simply at form and more wide-range-covered at usage.
Trial paper is the next.
Quantum Group Language
Word Indexed and Word Synthesized
Word Synthesized is the word that is synthesized meanings in a word by arithmetic or algebraic geometrical method.
For detailed refer to the next.
Arithmetic Geometry Language 2013
Algebraic Geometry Language 2014
Word Indexed is the word that has index in a word, by which meanings are separated in a word at waiting situation. In a word meanings are combined by algebraic axioms and theorems starting from group theory.
Word Indexed seems to be more simply structure than Word Synthesized.
Word indexed basis is at the below.
Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Note 1 Kac-Moody Lie Algebra 2008
Arithmetic Geometry Language 2013
Algebraic Geometry Language 2014
Word Indexed is the word that has index in a word, by which meanings are separated in a word at waiting situation. In a word meanings are combined by algebraic axioms and theorems starting from group theory.
Word Indexed seems to be more simply structure than Word Synthesized.
Word indexed basis is at the below.
Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Note 1 Kac-Moody Lie Algebra 2008
Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Note 2 Quantum Group 2008
The details of Word Indexed will be shown the papers after this.
Meanings contained in Word Indexed is deeply related with quantization and discreteness.
Refer to the next.
Floer Homology Language Note 7 Quantization of Language 2009
Floer Homology Language Note 8 Discreteness of Language 2009
All the basis of Word Indexed is generated at the next.
Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language 2003
Kac-Moody Lie Algebra 2008
Theory 2003-2016 2018
Genealogical Tree of Sekinan's Paper 7th Edition 2015-2018
This paper is unfinished.
The details of Word Indexed will be shown the papers after this.
Meanings contained in Word Indexed is deeply related with quantization and discreteness.
Refer to the next.
Floer Homology Language Note 7 Quantization of Language 2009
Floer Homology Language Note 8 Discreteness of Language 2009
All the basis of Word Indexed is generated at the next.
Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language 2003
Kac-Moody Lie Algebra 2008
Theory 2003-2016 2018
Genealogical Tree of Sekinan's Paper 7th Edition 2015-2018
This paper is unfinished.
Read more: https://srfl-lab.webnode.com/news/quantum-group-language-word-indexed-and-word-synthesized/
Chinese belongs to the isolated language.
In Chinese one character has one meaning and becomes a word in classical usage. Modern Chinese has many words that contain two or over two characters for one meaning, but basically almost all the characters have still classical one-character-one-meaning usage at the root of language.
Shuowenjezi Zhu written by DUAN Yucai typically shows some 2,000 year history of characters and their meanings.
Modern Chinese precisely said by Hanyu is one language of the over 50 languages officially recognized at the research, and I only know several language's grammars by the field work by linguists.
Xixiayu is a very interesting for me resembling the Hanyu and in the late 20th century the language was deciphered by Japanese linguist NISHIDA Tatsuo.
These language or character's situation especially of ideogram has become my study's foundation.
For more, refer to the next.
Ideogram Paper 2005-2018
1. Ideogram 2005
3. Essence of Language 2016
4. The Days of Decipherment 2016
5. The Days of Ideogram 2017
6. The Days of Ideogram 2017
7. The comparison between 2003 and 2017
From Chinese character's meaning structure to Homological algebraic model of language universals 2017
From Chinese character's meaning structure to Homological algebraic model of language universals 2017
10. Ars longa Seeing Masterpieces of French Landscape Paintings from the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow 2018
Read more: https://srfl-lab.webnode.com/products/ideogram-paper-2005-2018/
Quantum group 2
In 2008 I wrote on Quantum group at studying Kac-Moody-Lie Algebra.
Note 2
Quantum Group
1 <Cartan matrix>
Base field K
Finite index set I
Square matrix that has elements by integer A = ( aij )i, j ∈ I
Matrix that satisfies the next is called Cartan matrix.
i, j ∈ I
(1) aii = 2
(2) aij ≤ 0 ( i ≠j )
(3) aij = 0 ⇔ aji = 0
2 <Symmetrizable>
Cartan matrix A = (aij)i, j ∈I
Family of positive rational number {di}i∈I
Arbitrary i, j∈I diaij = djaji
A is called symmetrizable.
3 <Fundamental root data>
Finite dimension vector space h
Linearly independent subset of h {hi}i∈I
Dual space of h h*= HomK (h, K )
Linearly independent subset of h* {αi} i∈I
Φ = {h, {hi}i∈I, {αi} i∈I }
Cartan matrix A = {αi(hi)} I, j∈I
Φis called fundamental root data of A that is Cartan matrix.
4 <Standard form>
Symmetrizable Cartan matrix A = (aij)i, j ∈I
Fundamental root data {h, {hi}i∈I, {αi} i∈I }
E =
αi ⊂h*

Family of positive rational number {di}i∈I
diaij = djaji
Symmetry bilinear form over E ( , ) : E×E → K ( (αi ,αj ) = diaij )
The form is called standard form.
5 <Lattice>
n-dimensional Euclid space Rn
Linear independent vector v1, …, vn
Lattice of Rn m1v1+ … +mnvn ( m1, …, mn ∈ Z )
Lattice of h hZ
6 <Integer fundamental root data>
From the upperv3, 4 and 5, the next three components are defined.
(Φ, ( , ), hZ )
When the components satisfy the next, they are called integer fundamental root data.
i ∈ I
∈ Z

(2) αi ( hz ) ⊂ Z
(3) ti :=
hi ∈ hz

7 <Associative algebra>
Vector space over K A
Bilinear product over K A×A → A
When A is ring, it is called associative algebra.
8 <Similarity>
Integer m
t similarity of m [m]t
[m]t = tm-t-m / t- t-1
Integer m, n m≧n≧0
Binomial coefficient (mn)
t similarity of m! [m]t! = [m]t! [m-1]t!...[1]t
t similarity of (mn) [mn]t = [m]t! / [n]t! [m-n]t!
[m0] = [mm]t = 1
8 <Quantum group>
Integer fundamental root data that has Cartan matrix A = ( aij )i, j ∈ I
Ψ = ((h, {hi}i∈I, {αi} i∈I ), ( , ), hz )
Generating set {Kh}h∈hz ∪{Ei, Fi}i∈I
Associative algebra U over K (q), that is defined the next relations, is called quantum group associated with Ψ.
(1) khkh’ = kh+h’ ( h, h’∈hZ )
(2) k0 = 1
(3) KhEiK-h = qαi(h)Ei ( h∈hZ , i∈I )
(4) KhFiK-h = qαi(h)Fi ( h∈hZ , i∈I )
(5) Ei Fj – FjEi =
ij Ki - Ki-1 / qi – qi-1 ( i , j∈I )

p [1-aijp]qiEi1-aij-pEjEip = 0 ( i , j∈I , i ≠j )

p [1-aijp]qiFi1-aij-pFjFip = 0 ( i , j∈I , i ≠j )

Parameter q in K is thinkable in connection with the concept of <jump> at the paper Place where Quantum of Language exists / 27 /.
Refer to the next.
Read more: https://srfl-lab.webnode.com/news/kac-moody-lie-algebra-note-2-quantum-group/
In 2004 I wrote the paper named Place where Quantum of Language exists.
Place where Quantum of Language Exists
1 Quantum of language is the smallest unit of language.
2 Quantum of language moves linearly on the floor of language.
3 Linear movement is the properties of quantum.
4 Floor of language is on the space of language.
5 The space of language is two dimensions.
6 Two dimensions are horizontal and vertical.
7 Horizontal movement makes word, #1
8 Vertical movement makes sentence. #1
9 The space of language is electrical digitized place.
10 Chinese /jiao shi/ means classroom in English.
11 /Jiao/ is a quantum of language.
12 /Shi/ is a quantum of language.
13 /Jiao shi/ is a word.
14 /Jiao/ sends a quantum to /shi/ quantum.
15 /Shi/ quantum receives a quantum from /jiao/ quantum.
16 What sends quantum is called positive.
17 What receives quantum is called negative.
18 Quantum has positive energy in original condition.
19 Quantum changes negative in the situation of quanta set.
20 Quantum change occurs in two situations in general.
21 One situation is what quanta stand side by side on a floor and neighboring quanta connect well. #2
22 The other situation is what quanta change oneself by the non-use of quanta meaning in language history progress. #2
23 Word has a positive- negative construction.
24 Positive-negative construction occurs on a floor.
25 Sentence has a positive-positive construction.
26 Positive-positive construction occurs on different floors.
27 The latter quantum transfers on a different floor. This transfer is called <jump>.†
28 Quantum has electrical energy which flows to the electrical zero level.
29 Electrical zero level is a sentence end where quantum of language ideally accord with the real world. #3
30 A floor of language is a non-branches electrical circuit.
31 Word is a non-branch circuit.
32 Sentence is a branch circuit.
33 The meaning of word and sentence is a compound system of electrical signals.
#1 Definition of word and sentence can be seen in the paper “Method of Linguistics” and other papers on the site of Sekinan Research Field of Language /www.sekinan.org/.
#2 Definition of connect well can be seen in the paper of “Quantum Theory for Language Synopsis” and other papers on the site of SRFL.
#3 Definition of sentence end can be seen in the paper “Mirror Theory”, “Mirror Language” and other papers on the site of SRFL.
Tokyo July 18, 2004
[Referential note November 9, 2007]
<Place where Quantum of Language Exists> is related with the next papers on the concept.
Mirror Theory For the Structure of Prayer Dedicated to the Memory of CHINO Eiichi Tokyo June 5, 2004
[Referential note February 9, 2008]
† Concept <jump> of /27/ is thinkable in connection with <quantum group’s parameter q> at the paper Kac-Moody Lie Algebra / Quantum Group /.
Refer to the next.
Read more: https://srfl-lab.webnode.com/news/place-where-quantum-of-language-exists/
At this paper, 23-33 is the most important for signal's intuitive image.
23 Word has a positive- negative construction.
24 Positive-negative construction occurs on a floor.
25 Sentence has a positive-positive construction.
26 Positive-positive construction occurs on different floors.
27 The latter quantum transfers on a different floor. This transfer is called <jump>.†
28 Quantum has electrical energy which flows to the electrical zero level.
29 Electrical zero level is a sentence end where quantum of language ideally accord with the real world. #3
30 A floor of language is a non-branches electrical circuit.
31 Word is a non-branch circuit.
32 Sentence is a branch circuit.
33 The meaning of word and sentence is a compound system of electrical signals.
Quantum group 3
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