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ENSILA , srflnote and sekinanwiki Floer Homology Language
at the next.
Root of Language / 20 September 2014 May 23, 2019 Root of Language / 20 September 2014 20/09/2014 10:02 Root of Language TANAKA Akio The root of language is in the discreteness. All the information of language are generated from this simple structure which supposition is derived from Flux Conjecture, Lemma 1 and Lemma 2. ......................................................................................................................................... Floer Homology Language TANAKA Akio Note 8 Discreteness of Language Flux Conjecture (Lalonde-McDuff-Polterovich 1998) Image of Flux homomorphism is discrete at H1(M; R). Lemma 1 Next two are equivalent. (i) Flux conjecture is correct. (ii) All the complete symplectic homeomorphism is C1 topological closed at symplectic transformation group. Lemma 2 Next two are equivalent. (1) Flux conjecture is correct. (ii) Diagonal set M
Root of Language Note TANAKA Akio 22 February 2020 SRFL Paper Floer Homology Language Note 8 Discreteness of Language shows a root of language. But I think, at least, that the inevitably needed factor must be given at present, when I wrote a paper titled Quantum-Nerve Theory 2019. The must factor is energy, which gives various responses at the presentation of language phenomena. I ever arranged papers related with energy at the next.
Preparation for the energy of language May 14, 2019 Preparation for the energy of language The energy of language seems to be one of the most fundamental theme for the further step-up study on language at the present for me. But the theme was hard to put on the mathematical description. Now I present some preparatory papers written so far. Potential of Language / Floer Homology Language / Potential of Language / 16 June 2009 Homology structure of Word / Floer Homology Language /Homology Structure of Word / Tokyo June 16, 2009 Amplitude of meaning minimum / Complex Manifold Deformation Theory / 17 December 2008 Time of Word / Complex Manifold Deformation Theory / 23 December 2008 Tokyo 14 May 2019 ENSILA

22 February 2020 SRFL Paper
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