On quantum information, electron in solidity must be used for further application.
For the application, following demands will be satisfied on objective solid.
(1) Electron can move freely in the solid.
(2) Electron can transfer self-situation by slight variation of electricity.
(3) Entangled situation can be generated by outer operation.
(4) At the former solid, coherent situation can be generated in a short time.
(5) At the central solid, solidifiable trace of coherence can be generated.
(6) At the latter solid, solidifiability can be used for the informational operation.
(7) On solidifiable trace, in the objective solid the following conditions must be prepared for minimum demand.
(7-1) Schrödinger equation is satisfied for vector’s time change of quantum mechanics.
(7-2) Born’s probability rule is applied for prediction of measuremental value.
(7-3) Standard deviation of physical quantity in quantum mechanics is demanded <sharpness> for adequate operation.
Adhesion of Gallium and its relatives is hoped for the further steps of breaking through of solidity situation in quantum operation.
Tokyo April 19, 2006
Tokyo April 30, 2006 Revised
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