Open set of Cn Ω
Closed subset of Ω X
Arbitrary point of X x0
Neighborhood of x0 at Cn U
Set of all the holomorphic functions over Ω A (Ω)
System of functions {fα}α∈Λ⊂A (U)
X ∩U = {z∈U | fα (z) = 0, α∈Λ}
X is called analytic subset
{fα}α∈Λ is called local defining functions over U.
Element of A (U) F
When F satisfies F | U ∩X = f | U ∩X |, function f over X is called holomorphic function†.
r graded differential form over Ω
Element of C∞0 (Ω)’ u
∑I, J uIJdzI∧d
J, uIJ = sgn(
) uI’J’

I, J Multiple index from natural number 1 to n
When longitude of I, J is constant p, q, u is called (p, q) type differential form.
Set of (p, q) type differential form is notated C p, q (Ω).
(1, 0) type complex exterior differentiation operator ∂ : C p, q (Ω) → C p+1, q (Ω)
(0, 1) type complex exterior differentiation operator
: C p, q (Ω) → C p, q+1 (Ω)

∂ ( ∑’I, J uIJdzI∧d
J) = ∑’I, J∑k

L : = {z∈Cn | z | = … = zn-m = 0}
Holomorphic function over Ω∩L f = {zn-m+1, …, zn}
W : = {z∈Cn | ( 0, …, 0, zn-m+1, …, zn ) ∈Ω∩L}
Holomorphic function over W
(z) : = f ( 0, …, 0, zn-m+1, …, zn )

C∞ class function ρW : W → [0, 1]
supp (ρW – 1 ) ∩L = Ø
supp ρW ∩∂Ω= Ø
ρW ‘s trivial expansion to Ω 


u | Ω∩L = 0 . (1)
H p, q (Ω) : = Ker
∩C p, q (Ω) / Im
∩C p, q (Ω)

H p, q (Ω) is called
cohomology of type (p, q).

Serre’s condition
H 0, q (Ω) ={ 0 } ( 1 ≤ q ≤ n-1 )
Arbitrary z0∈∂Ω
Sequence pμ in Ω that is convergent to z0, there exists f ∈A (Ω).
From (i) (ii) (iii)

From (1) and (2), solution on the domain and the equation is expanded to mathematical formality of word, i.e. language.
Space in which word and sentence is generated : = Ω
The space is called language space. Notation is LS.
Base meaning that becomes root of word : = x0 and sequence pμ that is convergent to x0 in Ω
Additional meaning† : = sequence pμ
Word and sentence, i.e. language : = f ∈A ( Ω )
Language in LS is considered at
μ→∞ | f (pμ) | = ∞.

Tokyo June 12, 2008
[Postscript June 19]
On holomorphic, refer to the next.
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