Thursday, 12 April 2018

Quantum Theory for Language Summary

Quantum Theory for Language


0   Preface
Chinese language grammar makes its system by the arrangement of characters. But at present, Chinese grammar does not perfect in a phase of syntax.
At this point, I adopt and analyze The analects of Confucius <論語>as the model of the language. Because this famous classic has been a standard of written language in China. At the same time, this work includes the spoken language based on the conversations in the Confucian school.
The syntax of the Chinese language has been traditionally classified to the two phases. One is <notional word>. Other one is <functional word>. Notional word has independent meaning. But functional word does not have independent meaning. Its role of the sentence is an assistant of notional words. For example, in  the beginning of the classic, 学而時習之、不亦説乎”, characters“”“”“”“”“”are notional words. ”“”“” are functional words.

1  The quantum of language
Here, I assume that every Chinese character is the <quantum of language>.
The quantum of language is the smallest unit of language. It has the meaning and the time in principle. This time is reflected from the real world. The quantum originally consists of two or over two <notional element>s. Every notional element has a <indicator> of peculiar meaning and time. For example, Chinese character“”means “give birth to children”. Ancient style of this character has three indicators, < woman bending forward><body fluid at childbirth><new born baby>. As a result, this character became a quantum, which contains the decided meaning and time.
Chinese characters stick smoothly when two characters are lined up from short to long time. I call this work <joining>. For example, ““ means “teaching”, containing short time indicator. “”means “room”, longer time indicator. Time is measured by daily-life-sensation. Therefore “教室” means “classroom”. Two characters make one word. These are joined smoothly. But “室教”joining is not smooth. Therefore two characters do not make one word, but make one sentence. The sentence means “In the classroom (I) teach.” Joining of the Quanta is the syntactic principle of Chinese language. I call it <time principle of character>.
By the way, in Chinese, Traditional notional words are now called to the <positive quantum>. Functional words are called to the <negative quantum>. The positive quantum has energy of going forward by oneself and the negative quantum has energy of changing the course. Energy comes from the <conflict> of notional elements, which are projected images of the real world.  

2  Appearance and disappearance of the quantum
The quantum <appear>s in this language world for the new meaning. This appearance is caused by the work of notional elements. Notional element is the root of the quantum. 
Until now, I assume that Chinese character is Chinese language itself. Because in Chinese one meaning has one syllabic pronunciation, one syllabic pronunciation   always requests the image of writing for a memory. Therefore the Chinese character can serve the role of speech itself in Chinese language.
The quantum of language <disappear>s when the meaning of the quantum goes out use. For example, character “” originally meant <a part of flower>. But this notional meaning disappeared early in the Chinese language world. Later instead of this meaning, “”has possessed the denial function. Therefore the quantum of language appears first as the positive quantum. Later, in the case of “”,  the positive quantum transforms to the negative quantum for the denial function.

3         Propelling and changing the quantum
Two or over two quanta of language can be arranged into a line. It is named sentence in general.
Here I assume that the positive quantum can <propel> the meaning to the next quantum. The negative quantum can <change> the following quantum to another place. I call this place <stage>. Usually stages have multiple layers.

4         The stage of quanta
The arrangement of the quanta forms the structure. I call this structure <multiple stages >.
The language model<“学而時習之、不亦説乎”structure> makes stages as following. Here I symbolize <stage change> as the mark <↓>

5 The move and the class 
I assume that one positive quantum goes forward by oneself. I name this act <move>. One negative quantum changes one stage down. I name this act <class>
The upper model of multiple stages is expressed 5 moves and 4 classes. I write this situation as [move5, class4].  And toward all of the moves and classes, I name    <transfer>. The transfer of the model is 9.

6         The digitization of the quanta
Here I digitize the positive quantum as <1>, the negative quantum as <0>. Upper model is written as <101110010>. I call this situation [transfer9, move5, class4]. In this phase, Move_Transfer ratio is about 0.55, and Class_Transfer ratio is about 0.44, Move_Class ratio is 1.25. These figures express <quality of stages>.  M_T ratio means “the variety of notion”. C_T ratio means “the complication of function”. M_C ratio means “the relationship of the notion and the function”.
Ratio figures indicate the relationship between the language and our real world. For instance, M_C ratio figure<∞> means no situation-change in the world. Figure<0> means absolute rest of situation. Figure<1> means one-move-against-one-change in the world.
学而時習之”sentence changed stage one time. First stage is “”<Learn>, and second stage is “”<Practice>. Negative quantum “”<and>  changed the stage.  

7 Sentence machine
If the time of the quantum be properly measured, joining of characters would be made automatically by machine. If the stages of quanta be digitized, difficult problem such as truth value might be more easily resolved by chance. All my assumption depends on <time principle of character>. 

Tokyo November 14, 2003
For the memory of Hakuba March 30, 2003

[Postscript November 26, 2008]
<On theory history>
<On sentence machine>

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