Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Quantum Language Frame and Transmission For Quantum Language Machine 3

Frame and Transmission
For Quantum Language Machine 3

1 Two major concepts of quantum language are frame and transmission.
2 Frame is a dictionary. Transmission is a grammar. For details see the following papers.
3 Frame has solidity. Transmission has flexibility. Both of them correspond with KARCEVSKIJ’s duality of language.
4 Frame and transmission form a pair of EPR on quantum language.
5 Frame and transmission have impossibility of quantum separation
6 Frame and transmission work in local operation.
7 Frame and transmission work in cloning situation at right angle condition on polarized photon.
8 Frame and transmission work in non-cloning theorem at random condition on polarized photon.
9 Now I present frame-transmission theory on quantum language. The theory is abbreviated to FTT.
10 In FTT, language is recognized as perfect mixed situation of solidity and flexibility.
11 For instance, in FTT, a solid sentence is at the same time treated as a variable sentence.
12 In FTT, Dictionary works at the same time as grammar for generating new situation on language circumstances.
13 For instance, in FTT, a new concept as a wordy condition in dictionary will be completed to a sentential complex of writing in ideal targetThe situation will be used for quantum language machine. On comprehensive FTT, further details will be developed in other papers.

Tokyo February 26, 2006

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