Grassmann Language
is (N+1) dimensional complex space.
is Grassmann manifold that is all the spaces which are made from (k+1) dimensional linear subspace of
Element of (k+1) dimensional exterior space
is called (k+1) vector.
Elements of
is given by (k+1) vector of decomposable is givenby the below.
is one fixed base of
is also able to written.
is called Cayley-Plücker-Grassmann coordinates.
is unitary group.
Hermitian inner product is defined as the below.
is called norm of
Kähler form is
The upper measuring is Kähler measuring.

Element of (k+1) dimensional exterior space

Elements of

Hermitian inner product is defined as the below.


Kähler form is

The upper measuring is Kähler measuring.

Grassmann manifold has invariant Kähler measuring by operation of
Its Kähler form is equal to
times of hyperplane section bundle's curvature form over
that is determined by immersion of Cayley-Plücker-Grassmann coordinates and hermitian norm
Grassmann manifold has invariant Kähler measuring by operation of

Its Kähler form is equal to

3.Grassmann language model is supposed as the below.
Word is expressed by grassmann manifold.
Word has location and distance, that are expressed by Cayley-Plücker-Grassmann coordinates and hermitian norm
Word is expressed by grassmann manifold.
Word has location and distance, that are expressed by Cayley-Plücker-Grassmann coordinates and hermitian norm

References are below.
<On distance of word>Distance Theory /Tokyo May 5, 2004
Distance of Word / Complex Manifold Deformation Theory / Tokyo November 30, 2008
<On manifold>
From Cell to Manifold/ Cell Theory / June 2, 2007
[ Cell Theory / Continuation of Quantum Theory for Language / For LEIBNIZ and JAKOBSON ]
References are below.
<On distance of word>Distance Theory /Tokyo May 5, 2004
Distance of Word / Complex Manifold Deformation Theory / Tokyo November 30, 2008
<On manifold>
From Cell to Manifold/ Cell Theory / June 2, 2007
[ Cell Theory / Continuation of Quantum Theory for Language / For LEIBNIZ and JAKOBSON ]
March 6, 2012Sekinan Research Field of Language
March 6, 2012Sekinan Research Field of Language
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