Birational Language
Elements of Word
1, Proposition
Weighted projective space

2. Proposition
Weighted hyperplane
is isomorphic to Weighted projective space
Weighted hyperplane

3. Proposition
Weighted projective space
is one-to-one correspondent with quotient space
Here G is finite Abellian group to ptrojective space
Weighted projective space

Here G is finite Abellian group to ptrojective space

4. Definition
The next
is hyperplane defined by equation
Here coordinate system
of linear space V is called homogenious coordinate system of projective space
The next

Here coordinate system

5. Interpretation
Language:= projective space
Word:=Weighted hyperplane
Elements of word:=coordinate system
of linear space V .
Language:= projective space

Word:=Weighted hyperplane

Elements of word:=coordinate system

6. Conclution
When elements of word is given at linear space, language is defined at projective space using birational equivalence.
When elements of word is given at linear space, language is defined at projective space using birational equivalence.
April 26, 2012Sekinan Reserach Field of Language
April 26, 2012Sekinan Reserach Field of Language
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