Thursday, 30 July 2015
Wednesday, 29 July 2015
Sekinan Study Paper Tokyo 2015
Sekinan Study Paper
Study result of
Sekinan Library
Sekinan Research Field of Language
Sekinan Study Paper is the paper site of Sekinan Library and Sekinan Research Field of Language.
Sekinan Library was founded at Tachikawa, Tokyo in 1986 for the study of language.
In 2003, for the specialized study of language universals, Sekinan Research Field of Language was added at Hakuba, Nagano.
Sekinan Library was founded at Tachikawa, Tokyo in 1986 for the study of language.
In 2003, for the specialized study of language universals, Sekinan Research Field of Language was added at Hakuba, Nagano.
Blog for Paper
Blog for News
The summer of Kirigamine Highlands, Nagano, Japan.
I have stayed and written the early time papers at the lodge nearby.
I have stayed and written the early time papers at the lodge nearby.
Friday, 24 July 2015
Infinite Loop Space Language Word as Infinite loop Space
Infinite Loop Space Language
Word as Infinite loop Space
Result of D. G. Quillen by Annals of Mathematics, 96 (1972).
Algebraic K theory over commutative ring R.

Quillen showed that
is infinite loop space.

Interpretationof Quillen's result.
Meaning of word is expressed by

Word is expressed by

Saying in other words.
Word is expressed by high dimensional algebraic K group over commutative ring R.
Conclution at the present.
Word has meaning that is expressed by infinite loop space.
Word has parameter that is expressed by commutative ring.
Word has dimension that belongs to albegraic K group.
6 December 2012
6 December 2012
Sekinan Research Field of Language
Infinite Loop Space language Contents
Infinite Loop Space language |
Word as Infinite Loop Space
24 July 2015 Reprint
Thursday, 23 July 2015
Dual Language Duality of Language
Dual Language
Duality of Language
1. Theorem(Poincaré duality)
For oriented compact n-dimension topological manifold M,
biliear form

is exact,
become dual space each other.
For oriented compact n-dimension topological manifold M,
biliear form

is exact,

2. Interpretation
Word := MBoundary of language := pDual language :=
Language := 
Word := MBoundary of language := pDual language :=

3. Explanation
Word is compact and has dimension.
Language has dimension.
Language has boundary.
Boundary makes dual language.
Word is compact and has dimension.
Language has dimension.
Language has boundary.
Boundary makes dual language.
4. References
Distance Theory
Mirror Theory
Guarantee of Language
Distance Theory
Mirror Theory
Guarantee of Language
25 May 2012Sekinan Research Field of Language
25 May 2012Sekinan Research Field of Language
Birational Language Elements of Word
Birational Language
Elements of Word
1, Proposition
Weighted projective space

2. Proposition
Weighted hyperplane
is isomorphic to Weighted projective space
Weighted hyperplane

3. Proposition
Weighted projective space
is one-to-one correspondent with quotient space
Here G is finite Abellian group to ptrojective space
Weighted projective space

Here G is finite Abellian group to ptrojective space

4. Definition
The next
is hyperplane defined by equation
Here coordinate system
of linear space V is called homogenious coordinate system of projective space
The next

Here coordinate system

5. Interpretation
Language:= projective space
Word:=Weighted hyperplane
Elements of word:=coordinate system
of linear space V .
Language:= projective space

Word:=Weighted hyperplane

Elements of word:=coordinate system

6. Conclution
When elements of word is given at linear space, language is defined at projective space using birational equivalence.
When elements of word is given at linear space, language is defined at projective space using birational equivalence.
April 26, 2012Sekinan Reserach Field of Language
April 26, 2012Sekinan Reserach Field of Language
Birational Language, Dual Language Contents
Birational Language, Dual Language
23 July 2015 Reprint
Genealogical Tree Fourth Edition
Genealogical Tree
Genealogical Tree
Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language
On Time Property Inherent in Characters
Quantum Theory for Language
| |
Distance Theory Property of Quantum
| |
Prague Theory Quantification of Quantum
Reversion Theory
Mirror Theory
Mirror Language
Guarantee of Language
Actual Language and Imaginary Language
Cell Theory
From Cell to Manifold <For LEIBNIZ and JAKOBSON>
Conifold as Word
Projective Space as Scheme for Word Order
Algebraic Linguistics
Sentence versus Word
Deep Fissure between Word and Sentence
Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented
Distance <Direct Succession of Distance Theory>
S3 and Hoph Map
Noncommutative Distance Theory
Groupoid C*-Algebra
Point Space Atiyah’s Axiomatic System
Kontsevich Invariant
Clifford Algebra
From Super Space to Quantization
Anti-self-dual Form
Dirac Operator
TOMONAGA's Super Multi-time Theory
Creation Operator and Annihilation Operator
Meaning Product
Kac-Moody Lie Algebra
Kac-Moody Lie Algebra
Quantum Group
Finiteness in Infinity on Language
Operator Algebra
Differential Operator and Symbol
<One Paper lost>
Self-adjoint and Symmetry
Frame Operator
Order of Word
von Neumann Algebra
von Neumann Algebra 1
Tensor Product
Compact Operator
von Neumann Algebra 2
Generation Theorem
von Neumann Algebra 3
Properly Infinite
Purely Infinite
von Neumann Algebra 4
Tomita's Fundamental Theorem
Borchers' Theorem
Relation between Word and Sentence
Functional Analysis
Functional Analysis
Baire's Category Theorem
Equality and Inequality
Finiteness of Vocabulary
Distance at Hypersurface
Functional Analysis 2
Pre-Hilbert Space and Hilbert Space
Orthogonal Decomposition
Generation of Word
Reversion Analysis Theory
Reversion Analysis Theory
Reversion Analysis Theory 2
Holomorphic Meaning Theory
Holomorphic Meaning Theory
Holomorphic Meaning Theory 2
Stochastic Meaning Theory
Stochastic Meaning Theory
Stochastic Meaning Theory 2
Stochastic Meaning Theory 3
Stochastic Meaning Theory 4
Stochastic Meaning Theory 5
Stochastic Meaning Theory Conjecture 1
Stochastic Meaning Theory Conjecture 2
Energy Distance Theory
Energy and Distance
Heat and Diffusion
Energy and Functional
Finsler Manifold and Distance
Word and Meaning Minimum
Geometry of Word
Complex Manifold Deformation Theory
Distance of Word
Reflection of Word
Uniqueness of Word
Amplitude of Meaning Minimum
Time of Word
Orbit of Word
Map between Words
Understandability of Language
Language Manifold Theory
Moser's Theorem
Topological Group Language Theory
Word Problem of Word-hyperbolic Group
From Finiteness to Infinity on Language
Boundary of Words
Symplectic Language Theory
Symplectic Topological Existence Theorem
Gromov-Witten Invariant
Mirror Symmetry Conjecture on Rational Curve
Isomorphism of Map Sequence
Generating Function (Text lost)
Homological Mirror Symmetry Conjecture by KONTSEVICH
Structure of Meaning
On Structure
Floer Homology Language
Potential of Language
Supersymmetric Harmonic Oscillator
Grothendieck Group
Reversibility of Language
Homology Generation of Language
Homology Structure of Word
Quantization of Language
Discreteness of Language
Proto Algebraic Geometry Language
Language, Word, Distance, Meaning and Meaning Minimum
Imaginary Language
Notes for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej, "Du Dualisme asymétrique du signe linguistique"
Condition of Meaning
Notes for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej, "Du Dualisme asymétrique du signe linguistique"
Condition of Meaning
Projective Space Model|
Vector Bundle Model
Hyperbolic Language
Parts and Whole (AGL Preface)
Dimension of Language (AGL 1)
Synthesis of Meaning and Transition of Dimension (AGL 2)
Birth of Word, Synthesis of Meaning and Dimension of New Word (AGL 3)
Dimension Conjecture at Synthesis of Meaning (AGL 4)
Three conjectures for dimension, synthesis and reversion with root and supplement
At least three elements for language universals
Disposition of Language
Distance of Word
Flow of Language
Papers for Language Dimension, In chronological order
Preparation for the energy of language
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