Friday 4 October 2024

Why is boundary necessary in language?

Why is boundary necessary in language?
01/09/2015 17:09
Why is boundary necessary in language?

q.v. Boundary of Words ​/ 12 February 2009


I have thought of language as a physic existence that has inevitably boundary to the outer world.
My question is simple and primitive. I ever wrote about the change of language - If there be change, there are exactly the situations before change and after change.
Just where does changing substance exist? In the essay, rotten apple was used as the symbol of changing language.

Presupposition on Natural Language


Language is variable. If it be true, what is the base of variability?
Language is pronounceable. If it be true, what is emerged by pronounced?
Language is recordable. If it be true, what is emerged by recorded? 4.
An apple is variable and will be rotten by time proceeding. An apple is pronounced at a glossary shop and will be bought by a home-maker.
An apple is recordable and will be recorded in a photo.
What distinguishes language from apple? The answer is uncertain. So I make the language models parting from natural language.

For WITTGENSTEIN Ludwig / Position of Language / 10 December 2005-3 August 2012

22 August 2012
Sekinan Research Field of Language
Language&s substantiality has been considered since I returned to the mathematical approach for learn language universals from the utterly beginning. In 2005 I wrote a tiny trial paper on the substantiality of language for thinking the study course hereafter.



Dedicated to SAPIR Edward


1 Substance of language is completion which possesses the distance from the real world.
2 The distance is sustained by the fixation for which meaning and time are abstracted.
3 If language has not distance, language appears and disappears following the real world proceeding.
4 Language is substantially unchangeable. Changeability occurs on surrounding.
5 The distance is measured by the longitude from the real world to the substantiality that meaning and time possess.
6 Substantiality is a frame of language.
7 Substantiality is free from the real world.
8 Substantiality is powered by outer energy.
9 Powered substantiality moves complied with possessed command, namely meaning and time.
10 Powered moving substantiality of language is called .
11 The idea of quantum is partially realized by in the supermarket or bookstore.
12 Substantiality is bar code of can or book. Outer energy is bar code reader. Quantum moves in a cash register. Language generates price addition in the real world.
13 Bar code is not language. Bar code is substantiality of language. Bar code does not move by itself. When bar code reader becomes energetic, bar code generates in a cash register. Language, namely, price-additional-work, starts at bookstore of station front in the bustling evening.

Tokyo February 27, 2005
For the Memory of Tanashi Station Front Street February 26, 2005
Sekinan Research Field of Language


In 2013, I again wrote on the substantiality of language at the new level containing the determinate essence of language, dimension and time. The title is Macro Time and Micro Time. In this paper I thought that dimension is the essential factor of meaning, especially containing Infinitive meaning.


Macro Time and Micro Time

24 July 201
3 atbankofdam
Through natural language, in human being, occurred the electrical signal by eye or ear. These complex situations are beyond this paper’s limits.
Language is a physical object as signal and its transmission. At this circumstanstances, langauge must be recognised to be the existence that has finite time.
An apple on the desk gradually becomes rotten by passing the time very after the crop in the orchard. #0
Like an apple, language has passing physical time in oneself.
Language is metamorphosed by the time progressing. #1
Language includes the outer world from human being to universe. At this declaration, I recall Blaise Pascal’s Pensées. XXXIII. PROOFS OF JESUS CHRIST 308 The infinite distance between body and mind symbolizes the infinitely more infinite distance between mind and charity, for charity is supernatural.(Translated by A.J. Krailsheimer, 1966) #2
Language’s time goes freely from the present to the future or the present to the past. #3
Language symbolises the time from finiteness to infinity. #4
Human being recognises this vast language world perfectly. #5

#0 For WITTGENSTEIN Ludwig Position of Language / December 10, 2005 – August 3, 2012 / Sekinan Research Field of Language
#1 Time of Word / Complex Manifold Deformation Theory / January 1, 2009 / sekinanlogos
#2 PASCAL PENSÉES. Translated with an introduction by A.J. Krailsheimer. PENGUIN BOOKS 1966.
#3 Escalator language and Time For SHINRAN’s Idea and BOHDISATTVA / Escalator Language Theory / December 16, 2006 / Sekinan Research Field of Language
#4 From Finiteness to Infinity on Language / Topological Group Theory / February 1, 2009 / sekinanlogos
#5 Understandability of Language / Complex Manifold Deformation Theory /January 9, 2009 / sekinanlogos
To be continued.
Boundary is related with dimension through Poincaré Theorem. Details are next.


Dual Language

Duality of Language


1. Theorem
(Poincaré duality)
For oriented compact n-dimension topological manifold M ,
biliear form

is exact,
and become dual space each other.

2. Interpretation
Word := M Boundary of language := p Dual language := and Language :=
3. Explanation
Word is compact and has dimension.
Language has dimension.
Language has boundary.
Boundary makes dual language.

4. References
Distance Theory
Mirror Theory
Guarantee of Language
25 May 2012
Sekinan Research Field of Language


5. Relation between boundary and synthesis in language is utterly unknown field for me. Study has just started from the entrance position. Recent results are the next.

Synthesis Conjecture
Conjecture for synthesis of meaning in word


Synthesis 1 Conjecture for synthesis of meaning in word 29/09/2013 19:25 For synthesis of meaning in word, Conjecture: Condition for synthesis of meaning in word i s proposed by cohomological expression.

2 Conjecture: Condition for synthesis of meaning in word
29/09/2013 18:38
On condition for synthesis of meaning in word, at conjecture is proposed by the next result of etale cohomology.
Canonical natural equivalence
The next two are left exact additional functors.
F : A -> A’
G : A’ -> A”
A and A’ have enough many injective objects.
If F transfers A’ s injective object to G acyclic object, the next canonical natural equivalence is concluded.
R ( G O F ) =~ RG O RF .
Word is shown by R . This word is called old word .
Base meaning in word is shown by F .
Word that has base meaning is shown by RF .
Additional meaning to word is shown by G .
Word that has additional meaning is shown by RG . This word is called intermediate word .
Word that has base meaning and additional meaning is shown by R ( G O F ). This word is called new word .
For completion of new word, old word and intermediate word have the condition shown by the canonical natural equivalence of etale cohomology.

3 Canonical natural equivalence
29/09/2013 18:08
Canonical natural equivalence
The next two are left exact additional functors.
F : A -> A’
G : A’ -> A”
A and A’ have enough many injective objects.
If F transfers A ‘s injective object to G acyclic object, the next canonical natural equivalence is concluded.
R ( G O F ) =~ RG O RF .

Source: Conjecture for synthesis of meaning in word / sekinanlatest 2013

Tokyo 1 May 2014
Sekinan Research Field of Language


Three Conjectures containing Synthesis Conjecture are shown at the next.These conjectures are the latest result of language universals at SRFL Sekinan Research Field of Language.

Three Conjectures for Dimension, Synthesis and Reversion with Root and Supplement


21 December 2014

Thursday 3 October 2024

Porco Rosso Japanese Anime Music Pure Music

The Strawberry Statement Once more. Lyrics, Compose and Sing by ARAI Yumi Japan. 1975

Sekinan Table: The Strawberry Statement Once more. Lyrics, Compos...

Sekinan Ideogram From 2016

Sekinan Ideogram

Sekinan Ideogram
Old name : Sekinan Zoho

1 August 2016 Uploaded
2 August 2022 Renewed

Sekinan Library

Memory Encounter 1969-1986
A door to language

Boundary of Words
For More

Site of Sekinan Library


A story of a family at the west suburb of Tokyo

Papa Wonderful


Letter to WPM. On Nerve Theory. 29 April 2021. References 1. 2. and 3. added 30 April 2021

Ideogram Paper
On Time Property Inherent in Characters ​2003
Ideogram 2005
Lineation 2005
Egyptian Hieroglyph Exhibition, Journey through the Afterlife Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead by The British Museum 2012
Lang Model 2012
ONO Shinobu and Bernhard Karlgren 2015
Essence of Language 2016
The Days of Decipherment 2016
The Days of Ideogram 2017
The Days of Ideogram Note added Edition 2017
From Chinese character’s meaning structure to Homological algebraic model of language universals 2017
Time and Shape of Language from How is the time alive in language 2017
Connection between early paper’s quantum and recent paper’s geometry 7th edition 2017
Letter to Y. Of the century of language 2018
Letter to Y. Of Broad Language 4th edition 2018
Determination of the concept, Broad Language 2018
Ars longa Seeing Masterpieces of French Landscape Paintings from the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow 2018
Letter to Y. Of Broad Language 4th Text revised edition With Note 2019
The upper Ideogram Paper is now placed at the basis of a new theory titled Quantum-Nerve Theory.
Quantum-Nerve Theory With References 2019

Dedicated to the days
AMINO Yoshihiko, historian of modern Japan
At the campus of university
At the lawn terrace before library
CHINO Eiichi and Golden Prague
CHINO Eiichi Fortuitous meeting
Coffee shop named California
From Distance to Pseudo-Kobayashi-Distance Dedicated to CHINO Eiichi
Geometry is the only one expression for me to describe language universals
Containing the time which is one of the important elements of meaning For CHINO Eiichi
Glitter of youth through philosophy and mathematics in 1970s
Hurrying up to library
KAJIMURA Hideki His Korean Classroom
KAWASAKI Tsuneyuki Late spring trip
Language and I
Letter to the library Abridged version
​Linguistic Circle of Prague
NISHI Junzo, Philosopher of Modern Japan
Intuition and Mathematics
Natary MURAVIJOVA Russian Language Class
​​ONO Shinobu and Bernhard Karlgren
Papa Wonderful. Professor Momose
PW. University
PW. History
PW. Drizzling Rain
Rhododendron has come out this year 2017
Symbolism of Japan, Haiku. I learnt from SAEKI Shoichi ​Under the dim light
Two Sadness 1976 KONDO Tadayoshi, SUGIYAMA Yasuhiko, HURUTA Hiromu, MIYAZAKI Kenzo and HANANOI Kazumi
Coffee shop 1982 ONO Shinobu, KAWASAKI Tsuneyuki and YAMAMOTO Kichizo
YWCA of Tokyo KAWASAKI Tsuneyuki taught at this school in youth days

Memorial verse
For Professor YAMAZAKI
At the lawn terrace before library

Maruzen Bookshop Marunouchi, Tokyo - My favourite space in central Tokyo

Maruzen Bookshop
Marunouchi, Tokyo

Maruzen Bookshop
​Oazo Building, Marunouchi, Tokyo
I love the shop and space filled with inspiration
where I have bought the newest mathematics books for my research update.

Tokyo 24 January 2016
Sekinan Zoho. Now Sekinan Ideogram
Text added
23 November 2017
Geometrization Language

Tuesday 1 October 2024

SRFL News: Reread Evelyn Waugh's Brideshead Revisited

SRFL News: Reread Evelyn Waugh's Brideshead Revisited

Reread Evelyn Waugh's Brideshead Revisited

SRFL News: Topic of Sekinan Library 2nd Edition 2018

SRFL News:
Topic of Sekinan Library 2nd Edition 2018

Cicerone to Language
Affinity between Language and Mathematics
Language Comprised of Quantum

Tokyo 11 September 2018

SRFL News: Edward Sapir gave me a moment to study language un...

SRFL News:
Edward Sapir gave me a moment to study language un...
: Edward Sapir gave me a moment to study language universals together with Sergej Karcevskij.

Edward Sapir's LANGUAGE AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF SPEECH 1921 gave me a moment for study in 1980s
while I was roaming about the darkness of not- getting any aim to study on language.
I ever wrote a short memo on Sapir and also wrote a short paper being hinted from his book.

Substantiality /2005/
Edward Sapir, Language, 1921 /2014/

1 October 2024
Sekinan Library