Tuesday, 30 November 2021

Quantum Language between Quantum Theory for Language 2004 and Generation of Word 2008. 2018. Note on David Marr and Grisha Perelman. 2020


Quantum Language between
Quantum Theory for Language 2004
Generation of Word 2008
adding their days and after
A conclusion for the present on early papers of Sekinan Library


Quantum Language 
between Quantum Theory for Language 2004 and Generation of Word 2008
adding their days and after
 A conclusion for the present on early papers of Sekinan Library
23 January - 26 January 2018

I wrote a paper titled Quantum  Theory  for Language in 2004.
This paper was read at the international symposium on Silk Road at Nara, Japan in December 2003.
The encounter with this time's persons and thoughts are written at The Time of Quantum  in September 2008.

This paper's concept was prepared at Hakuba, Nagano, Japan in March 2003.
This concept was jotted down at the hotel of Hakuba so the publication became late till 2015. The title was named Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language.
In Autumn 2002 I was hospitalized by pneumonia for two weeks, when I thought to put the linguistic research on old Chinese characters so far in order. The result was arranged as a paper titled On Time Property Inherent in Characters also at Hakuba in March 2003.
Quantum Theory for Language was added proviso, Synopsis, because the paper was thought at that time as a role of a rather long mathematical paper's preface on quantum theory on language.
In 2005 Distance Theory was written as a successive paper of Quantum  Theory  for Language. In those days Reversion Theory in September 2004, Prague Theory in October 2004 were successively written.
Time passed by rapidly.
After some preparations of mathematics, I wrote successive papers related with Quantum Theory for Language. von Neumann Algebra was put at the centre of preparation. The days at that time was simply wrote titled as The Days of von Neumann Algebra and The Days between von Neumann Algebra and Complex Manifold Deformation Theory in 2015.
von Neumann Algebra succeeds from 1 to 4. 2's Generation Theorem was written in April 2008. After von Neumann AlgebraFunctional Analysis was written. 2's Generation of Word 's result is directly connected to Quantum Theory for Language's mathematical background.
From 2008 I frequently used Zoho site because of easily writing by mathematical equation system. Complex Manifold Deformation Theory was the first result of Zoho. At Floer Homology Language some complementary fruits were gotten for Quantum Theory, Homology Generation of Language in June 2009 and Homology Structure of Word also in June 2009.
Algebraic geometry had been consistently flowing in Quantum Theory.
Recently written Connection between early paper's quantum and recent paper's geometry, November 2017 summarizes the situation at that time concisely.
Quantum Theory's time series representative is the following.
Basis of On Time Property Inherent in Characters 2003, Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language 2003 and Quantum  Theory  for Language 2004 are all led by Qing Dynasty's linguistic (Xiaoxue) tradition, especially from WANG Guowei, whose influence is written at The Time of WANG Guowei in December 2011.

In 1970s at my age 20s, while I had read WANG Guowei, also read Ludwig Wittgenstein, from whom I narrowly learnt writing style that was maintained through early papers. On Wittgenstein I wrote The Time of Wittgenstein in January 2012. Especially written essayFor WITTGENSTEIN Ludwig Position of Language intermittently wrote from December 2005 to August 2012.    
WANG Guowei taught me the micro phase of language and Edward Sapir taught me the macro phase of language. His book,  Language 1921 shows us the conception of language's change system, Drift. I ever wrote 
some essays on him and his book titled Flow of Language in September 2014.
On Edward Sapir I recently wrote a essay titled Edward Sapir gave me a moment to study language universals together with Sergej Karcevskij  in July 2017
I met again with CHINO Eiichi in 1979, from whom I learnt almost all the contemporary linguistics' basis, because of my bias to Chinese historical linguistics ( Xioxue) and Japanese classical phonology in characters. Reunion with CHINO was written at a essay titled Fortuitous Meeting What CHINO Eiichi Taught Me in the Class of Linguistics in December 2004. Also wrote Under the Dim Light in August 2012, CHINO Eiichi and Golden Prague in June 2014, Coffee shop named California in February 2015 and Prague in 1920s in April 2016.

CHINO Taught me the existence of Linguistic Circle of Prague and Sergej Karcevskij  at Prague in 1920s. I wrote Linguistic Circle of Prague in July 2012 and also wrote on Karcevskij, Gift from Sergej Karcevskij in October 2005, Sergej Karcevskij, Soul of Language in November 2012Follower of Sergej Karcevskij in November 2012  Meaning Minimum On Roman Jakobson, Sergej Karcevskij and CHINO Eiichi in April 2013 and For KARCEVSKIJ Sergej from time to time.

In 1970s, I also learnt mathematics for applying to describe language's minute situation. I had thought that language had to be written clear understanding form for free and precise verification going over philosophical insight. When set theory led by Kurt Godel was raised its head to logical basis, I was also deeply charmed by it. But even if  fully using it, language's minute situation seemed to be not enough to write over clearly by my poor talent. The circumstance was written titled Glitter of youth through philosophy and mathematics in 1970s in March 2015. .

One day when I found and bought Bourbaki's series Japanese-translated editions, which were seemed to be possibility to apply my aim to describe language's situation. But keeping to read them were not acquired  at that time. So I was engrossed  in Chinese classical linguistics achieved in Qing dynasty, typically DUAN Yucai, WANG Niansun, WANG Yinzhi and so forth. The days were written as  The Time of Language Ode to The Early Bourbaki To Grothendieck.

Algebraic geometry began from von Neumann AlgebraAfter these days, Zoho time came to me. Its first result is shown as the title Complex manifold Deformation Theory in 2008. Distance of Word in November 2008 is a mathematical conclusion of Distance Theory in May 2005. Zoho's main papers were seen at the site Sekinan Zoho.

Distance Theory has some derivations towards physical phases in my thought. Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented Brane Simplified Model was written in October-November 2007. Each paper is the following.

Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented
Brane Simplified Model
Distance <Direct Succession of Distance Theory>
S3 and Hoph Map 
Physics was one of the most fantastic fields in high school days. I ever wrote the days of yearning for physics and after that. Perhaps Return to Physics in April 2014, Winding road to physics in January 2015, Thanks to physics about which I ever dreamt in my future in April 2015, 

After 2008 at Zoho sites, mathematics based language papers were successively written aiming clearer definition. Zoho's annual papers are shown at Sekinan Zoho'Zoho by year from 2008 to 2013. While I continued writing papers, my aim was gradually changed to confirm language's basis through mathematical, especially algebraic geometrical description by language models a little parting from natural language. The circumstances behind confirmation was written at Half farewell to Sergej Karcevskij and the Linguistic Circle of Prague in October 2013 and 40 years passed from I read WANG Guowei in November 2013.


On David Marr and Grisha Perelman 
5 June - 7 June 2020

David Marr's Vision 1982, Marr refers to possibility for the existence of modular design at the upper place in language. He also says that there needs multiple description to research meaning.
The book gives me a bit different way to approach to the root of language aparting from ordinary mathematical method of mine, but if anything, nearly to geometry, in my way, ,Perelman's.
Refer to the next two paper groups, especially at Heat equation and Geometrization Conjecture.
Heat and Geometrization has been the most important target of my research since about 2018. 

Perelman's Approach 2

31/01/2016 20:25

Geometry of Geometrization Conjecture

09/08/2015 19:08

Canonical resoresolution

09/08/2015 19:01

Geometrization Conjecture

09/08/2015 18:53

Poincare Conjecture

09/08/2015 18:46

Parabolic neibourhood

09/08/2015 18:41

Open metric ball

09/08/2015 13:15

Maximum principle

09/08/2015 13:14

Uhlenbeck's trick

09/08/2015 13:09

Developmental equation

09/08/2015 12:55

Epsilon-delta method

07/08/2015 13:25

Heat equation

07/08/2015 12:07

Statistical mechanics system

07/08/2015 11:55

Ricci flow's curvature tensor

07/08/2015 11:44

Ricci flow

06/08/2015 22:35

Ricci soliton

06/08/2015 22:23
Read more: https://geometrization-language.webnode.com/news/perelmans-approach-2/

What is signal? Total Edition 21 November 2018-23 April 2019

23/04/2019 19:02

What is signal? 

The existence that generates language
SRFL Paper
21 November - 23 April 2019
Original TitleWhat is signal? A mathematical model of nerve 

Letter to WPM From Quantum Theory for Language to David Marr and Grisha Perelman. 7 June 2020


Letter to WPM From Quantum Theory for Language to David Marr and Grisha Perelman. 7 June 2020

Dear WPM,

Today I have settled an inclusive paper,
Quantum Language between Quantum Theory for Language 2004 and Generation of Word 2008. 2018. Note on David Marr and Grisha Perelman 2020.

This paper shows one of the two approaches to the root of language, from geometrization for language. The another is from quantum group for physical quantum by algebra.

Geometry is my most familiar approach style and seemed to be the nearest way to the geometrization for the various figures of nature. At the another way, algebra style seems to be the accurate representation for my early concept of quantum that was ever hard to write down by mathematics.

Today’s paper gives me a sure road at the present, to the never-seen top of the root of language.


7 June 2020
Geometrization Language

Read more: https://srfl-lab.webnode.com/news/letter-to-wpm-from-quantum-theory-for-language-to-david-marr-and-grisha-perelman-7-june-2020/

Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language Newly revised edition with Note, Note 2 and Note 3. 2003-2019. Translated by Auto Google


Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language Newly revised edition with Note, Note 2 and Note 3. 2003-2019. Translated by Auto Google



Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language Newly revised edition with Note, Note 2 and Note 3. 2003-2019


Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language

1 Quantization of language
2 Appearance and disappearance of quantum
3 Conjugation and class of quantum
4 Encoding of quantum and assembled quanta
5 Progress and class of quantum groups
6 Basic principle of quantum theory
Note 2
Note 3


                                                                Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language

                                                                                         TANAKA Akio

The “Quantum Theory of Language” shown below is a draft of the Quantum Theory for Language written in English, and was written in March 2003 at the Hakuba Alps Hotel in Hakuba, Nagano Prefecture. This is the first time to announce. What I haven’t published so far is that this draft was written in a very empty room in a hotel room in a very short period of time, which makes it very intuitive and different from the usual discussion. This was because it was quite radical for me. Moreover, the discussion ends halfway and remains unfinished. In the Quantum Theory for Language, which was written based on this draft for presentation at a symposium in December 2003, the essence of the discussion is almost consistent, but the memory that made the expression more gentle is still clear. And remains. However, when I read back this draft now, the intuition and sharpness that I was worried about in 2003 were still deeply rooted in the essence of my linguistic theory, and it was a mathematical mathematics of the language that lasted almost 10 years. Looking back at the description, I’ve reconfirmed that some of the most important subjects I’m still writing about are almost entirely in this draft. Quantization of language, appearance and disappearance of quantum, junction and hierarchy of quantum, quantum aggregate, progression and hierarchy of quantum group, positive quantum and negative quantum, meaning and energy of quantum. Both remain unknown and fascinating to me. In the future, I will return to the position of this draft again and spin my thoughts again. In old age, the essence precedes the form, and I will describe what I want to express the most in a way that suits me. Unless some time is still left. The phrase taught by my teacher when I was 20 years old is still alive.
Izayukan to the place where you fall into yukimi.
Recorded in Tokyo on March 23, 2015.

23 March 2015
Sekinan Library



Quantum Theory of Language

0 Introduction 
Chinese, which is the main language in China, has a history of over 2000 written or written languages.
The “rongo”, which represents Chinese classics, is a textual material left over in the modern era, but at the same time, it is said to strongly include the oral language at the time of the compilation of the book. (Kojiro Yoshikawa, 1967)
 Here, we try to analyze the language that is related to both the written language (text) and the verbal language (white talk), mainly based on the example sentences of “rongo”.

 Chinese, a so-called Chinese language that is classified as an isolated word in the quantized language typology of one language , in principle, one syllable has one meaning and one character, that is, a Chinese character.
 Although syllables may form new meanings in succession, each syllable always possesses its own independent meaning and character without modification, thereby essentially modifying the underlying language rules of Chinese Without having been held through a long historical period.
 It is assumed that the grammatical functions of the Chinese language are formed by the sequence of words one by one, that is, the word order, without making any pronunciation or changing the outer shape of the characters, but the word order, that is, the internal principle of the syntactic system is still sufficient. It cannot be said that the elucidation was seen.
 In this paper, we use “words”, which are said to include both language and white talk, for the language model of Chinese language, and analyze the language rules inherent in Chinese language and thus the language structure inherent in general language mainly by the approach of literary theory. Is what you are trying to do.
 Traditionally, the syntax of Chinese has been divided into two categories, real and false. It is said that an actual word possesses a substantial meaning, while an expletive is used to complement the meaning possessed by an actual word.
 For example, in the first section of “Rongo,” “Gakujitsu Jikiyuki, Fuyu Theory” (Example 1), “Gaku”, “Time”, “Xi”, “Yu” and “Theory” are generally It is a real word, and “ji”, “im”, and “乎” are false words.
 Here, it is assumed that each Kanji character having one meaning is a language quantum having one meaning unit and is the minimum unit of the language.
 What has traditionally been affixed is supposed to have one unit of positive quantum as a language quantum. What has been assumed to be an idiom usually has one unit of negative quantum. One positive quantum is written as ℓ +, and one negative quantum is written as ℓ−.
 The one-positive quantum has kinetic propulsion energy and has a force to move the quantum forward. The one-negative quantum has kinetic absorption energy, and has a force of absorbing and stopping or changing the motion of the quantum. The one-positive quantum stops or changes its own motion by joining to the one-negative quantum.
 According to sentence example 1, “Gakuji Jiki, Yuki no Yuki”, “Gaku” has its movement changed by “Phy”, and “theory” has been changed by “No”, “Yuki”, and “Kyo”. The movement has been changed and finally stopped.
 The kinetic energy of positive quanta is usually always progressive and does not stop its motion until it joins a negative quantum.
 The kinetic absorption energy of the negative quantum usually has functions such as “temporary stop”, “direction change”, and “stop”.
 According to the example sentence 1, “” is “temporary stop”, “” and “” are “direction change”, and “” is functioning as “stop”.
 Taken together, quanta are the smallest units of language that have meaning and energy.

2. Appearance and disappearance of
 quanta Quantum appears when a new meaning is requested to appear in the language world. Requests are made when it is necessary to add new meaning to the language world. The relationship between utterances and letters in a language is generally preceded by utterances, but in languages such as Chinese where one syllable has one meaning, the letters that appear later are imaginary along with utterance actions. It may be possible to assume that it was requested as a form. That is, one meaning requires one specific identification form. This act is natural as a human act.
 Language quantum emerges to add new meaning to the language world. The energy of the quantum is to add the new meaning to the language world, and is inseparably combined with the new meaning.
 Quantum disappears when its meaning is no longer needed in the language world. In sentence example 1, “non” originally meant “hanameshibenokobo”, but its meaning as an actual word disappears quickly, and it is only an imaginary word that means “cancel” and it functions in the language world. It was
 As indicated by this “im”, the actual and the exaggerated words are not clearly distinguished in Chinese, and they have been constantly interchanging and translating. That is, as described above, the quantum originally appeared to give a new meaning to the language world.
Initially a positive quantum, which ended its role of giving meaning to the language world, also disappeared its kinetic energy. However, the traces that the linguistic world was constructed and modified by the kinetic energy of other quanta continue to be subject to motion or pressure from other quanta, and negative energies are given as quanta that accept motion, and they remain in the linguistic world. Suppose there is something to do. In this way, negative quanta appear.
  Since the appeared negative quantum has negative energy, it absorbs the energy of the positive quantum and stops or changes its motion.

3 Quantum Junction and Hierarchy
 Two or more quanta form a new structure by joining each other.
 According to sentence example 1, “Gakujitsu Jiyuki, Innocent Theory,” the quantum junction is as follows.
 <ℓ + ℓ− ℓ + ℓ + ℓ + ℓ− ℓ− ℓ + ℓ−>
 Here, the positive quantum moves the meaning to the next quantum. Negative quanta absorb the kinetic energy of the previous quantum, stopping or changing it.
 It is clear that “ji” and “乎” act as negative quanta, which act as a function to “stop” the structure or sentence, but the two negative quanta of “im” and “亦” are Suppose it is functioning as a “change” of.
 According to the traditional grammar, “non” and “rear” complement the meaning of “theory”, but in this quantum theory, the back quantum receives the energy of the front quantum, so in the conventional explanation It cannot be processed.
 Here, “change” means to change the direction of motion of the previous quantum. Thus, the movement of one positive quantum is transferred to another orbit. That is, positive quanta move on one orbit, while some “altered” negative quanta move that orbit to another, creating a new semantic structure.
 The orbit is, as a model, supposed to be a multi-storey high-rise building. Move from the “learn and learn lessons” floor to another floor.
Here, “im” moves to the floor that denies “learn and learn the time”, and “re” moves this “learn and learn the time” to a new possibility floor. The “乎” moves to a floor that questions this situation.
  This series of situations is modeled and illustrated.

     ↓ non
       ↓ Matasetsu
          ↓ question mark

famous passage from “Analects”, “Aritomo own far come” (text example is illustrated as follows.
   ↓ self far come

codes of Quantum and Quantum aggregate A chemical
 quantum first appears as a positive, and its disappearance produces a negative.The negative quantum is a non-compressed quantum because it is meaningless in the group of positive quantum, and so to speak the semantic space that was once acquired as a positive quantum. is ready to continue to be compressed to a constant. Thus energy as extruded by the pump is stored in the negative quantization, it is assumed that the moving to a different hierarchy by modifying the trajectory of the positive quantum.
 Therefore, according to the quantum theory if all kanji Chinese, i.e. quantum having meaning and energy may be encoded as follows.
quantum / /
meaning ℓ
positive energy →
 negative energy ↓

 example sentence 1 “Manabu而時 This, the encoding of non-also Setsu乎”is as follows.

/ ℓ → / 
  / ℓ ↓ / / ℓ → / / ℓ → / / ℓ → /
           / ℓ ↓ /
             / ℓ ↓ / / ℓ → /
                / ℓ ↓ /
Here, if / ℓ → / is represented by the number 1 and / ℓ ↓ / is represented by the number 0, then “Gakuji Tikinoyuki, Fuyusetsu” can be digitized as 101110010.
Therefore, it can be said that the sentence example, “Gakuji Jiyuki, Shigenori” is a structure of language quantum of [Progress 5, Layer 4]. This is described as [move5, class 4].
In the sentence example 2, “Ariho’s far-distance” is

  ↓ far-distance

, so it is encoded as

/ ℓ → / / ℓ → / 
    / ℓ ↓ / / ℓ → / / ℓ → // ℓ → /,

and It is digitized as


. Its structure is [move5, class1].

Another example: Take a sentence example from “rongo”.

“Three years without reform in Chichi-no-michi, so-called Takahori” (Sentence 3)

/ ℓ → / / ℓ → / / ℓ → / / ℓ → /
           / ℓ ↓ / / ℓ → /
               / ℓ ↓ / / ℓ → /
/ ℓ ↓ / / ℓ → / / ℓ → /
                 / ℓ ↓ /

111101010110 [move 8, class5]

5 Progress and hierarchy in 5 quantum groups
 The progress frequency in one hierarchy in the sentence which is a quantum group is seen.
In sentence example 1, it is 0.8 in 5/4. In sentence example 2, it is 5 times 5 times. In sentence example 3, it becomes 1.6 in 8/5.
Here, let us consider what kind of index the one-layer progress frequency is.
In the wording, the frequency of progression 1 is the ratio of the actual word 1 to the negative word 1 and can be considered to be the clearest sentence in which one meaning exists in one hierarchy.
Therefore, when the progress frequency is 1 or more, there are two or more meanings in one layer, and one meaning is defined in detail and a finer meaning is presented.
On the contrary, if the progress frequency is less than 1, one meaning is not presented in one layer, and the meaning is completed only by two or more layers, and a supplementary meaning surrounds one meaning. By adding the content, a more constructive meaning is established.
 Sentence example 1 has a frequency of 0.8 and is a sentence to which a supplementary meaning is added. Sentence example 2 is a sentence with a frequency of 5 and a fine meaning. Sentence 3 is 1.6 degrees, and is a sentence to which almost standard or slightly fine rules are added.

6 Basic Principles of
 Quantum Theory Quantum theory is based on the fact that positive quanta, which are traditionally real, proceed in one layer. Therefore, in a certain quantum group, that is, a sentence, when a negative quantum stands at the beginning, it can be considered that the positive quantum or quantum group is omitted before it.
The fact that the negative quantum gives a change in the traveling direction of the positive quantum and shifts to a new hierarchy depends on the compressed energy received by the negative quantum, but more accurately, it can be explained as follows.
In general, “ya”, which is generally regarded as an affirmative mnemonic, is unclear in its modern meaning, and it can be considered that it has almost disappeared as a positive quantum. Instead, the negative function as a negative quantum has emerged to the present day, but if the function is subdivided, it is extremely diverse such as assertion, subject presentation, call, plea, question, and antonym.
For example, in “Kayaya Fool” (“Rongo” Tamasaizai Hen), the person “Kai” is denied in the mind of Confucius (changes the hierarchy) (and changes the hierarchy), and ( The hierarchy changes) “Orokamonokino” is presented. “The
hierarchy changes” means that the person “Ki” has been transformed from a real person by the appearance of “Ya” into a subject of consideration in Confucius’s mind. It means that it is erased by “non”, and that a new concept of “stupid” appears.
In other words, the negative quantum does not have a direct meaning to the language world that the positive quantum has, but by guiding the positive quantum to its own area, which is actually a blank, it is a kind of vacuum weightlessness. Suppose that the state is brought to the front and the direction is changed. It is assumed that the energy required for the conversion comes from the energy of the compression that the area is undergoing. 

7 Meaning of Negative Quantum The meaning of
 negative quanta is often much more subtle than the meaning of positive quanta, as is clear from the semantic classification of “ya” described above. How can we consider these meanings to have emerged?
 I assumed that the negative quantum disappears its function as a real word and has a kind of vacuum region, but once the meaning of assertion is established here, it depends on the meaning of the positive quantum that is joined to this “ya” from before. , The vacuum region becomes to show a constant reaction. For example, when a person’s name such as “kai” is joined in front, “ya” will function as a subject presentation, which is a transformation of affirmative meaning function.

8 Negative quantum energy
 The energy of positive quanta has been given to add a new meaning to the language world, as described in “2 Quantum Appearance and Elimination”, but here we will explain in detail the energy of negative quanta. .

22 December 2017

This manuscript was written at a hotel of Hakuba, Nagano, Japan in March 2003, where my family stayed for hot spring and ski. In autumn 2002, I thought of relationship between time and characters inspired by WANG Guowei’s paper written on old Chinese character’s studies, one of which he declared that character  heng 亙 was imaged from a ship coming and going the banks.This character contained the notation of the continuous time of ship operation between the banks.
But if character contain the time going, character seemed to have any existence of inherent energy in it.

Note 2
29 June 201819 June 2019 SRFL Lab’s Preparatory paper and Preparatory Paper 2  added.
Definition of quantum in this manuscript was intuitive while in my mind there was rather precise image that was not able to write by mathematical approach in the days of 2003.
Now the situation has been changed drastically through development of quantum group. Particularly from the Drinfeld’s speech at the international mathematician conference in 1984.
I wrote the simple trial paper on quantum group in 2008.
Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Note 2 Quantum Group 2008

Papers related on the pre-thought on quantum group is seen at SRFL Lab.

SRFL Lab’s Preparatory paper

Preparatory paper
1. Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Note 2 Quantum Group 2008
2. Symplectic Language Theory Note 6 Homological Mirror Symmetry Conjecture by KONTSEVICH 2009
3. Floer Homology Language Note 7 Quantization of Language 2009
4. Floer Homology Language Note 8 Discreteness of Language 2009
5. Simplicial Space Language  Composition of Word 2013

Preparatory Paper 2
1. Floer Homology Language
2. Homology Structure of Word
3. Quantization of Language
4. Discreteness of Language
5. Proto Arithmetic Geometry Language   
6.Language, Word, Distance, Meaning and Meaning Minimum
Read more: https://srfl-lab.webnode.com/

Inherent energy in language has been become a little updated after writing in 2003. Now arranged at the next.
1. Potential of Language  2009
2. The days when I was thinking on Energy Distance Theory  2014
3. Preparation for the energy of language  2015



26 May 2019
19 June 2019 Revised
SRFL Paper

Read more: https://srfl-paper.webnode.com/news/manuscript-of-quantum-theory-for-language-2003-2019-newly-revised-edition/



Note 3
17 July 2019
SRFL Paper

Now I think this manuscript is a important datum of a new theory,  Languagequantum  theory.
I wrote a trial paper for the theory by the next. 

  1. Quantum Group Language

Also refer to the next preparatory papers for Languagequantum theory.

  1. From Quantum Theory for Language to Languagequantum theory / 16 July 2019 Edition
  2. What is signal? Total Edition  / 21 November 2018-23 April 2019
  3. What is signal? Contents  / 24 April 2019
  4. Language Comprised of Quantum / 2018


Read more: https://srfl-paper.webnode.com/news/manuscript-of-quantum-theory-for-language-2003-2019-newly-revised-edition-with-note-3/Read more: https://srfl-lab.webnode.com/news/manuscript-of-quantum-theory-for-language-2003-2019-newly-revised-edition-with-note-3/


Read more: https://geometrization-language.webnode.com/news/manuscript-of-quantum-theory-for-language-newly-revised-edition-with-note-note-2-and-note-3-2003-2019-translated-by-google-translate-20201/

Read more: https://srfl-lab.webnode.com/news/manuscript-of-quantum-theory-for-language-newly-revised-edition-with-note-note-2-and-note-3-2003-2019-treanslated-by-auto-google/