Thursday, 29 September 2022
SRFL News: Inspiration The Time of Quantum
SRFL News: Inspiration The Time of Quantum
SRFL News:Why I started Quantum-Nerve Theory? Note and Note 2 for The Time of Language
KAJIMURA Hideki His Korean Classroom With Note
KAJIMURA Hideki His Korean Classroom With Note
17/10/2019 21:29
His Korean Classroom
I first met KAJIMURA at 1970 and he taught me the Korean in the small class of foreign language.
Text was SONG Jihak’s “Chosono Immun” published by Daigaku Shorin. It was one of a few books for beginners of Korean at late 1960s in Japan. Korean texts were published a few, so we could usually see only 2 or 3 kinds at a large bookshop.
I was age 21 and KAJIMURA was 30s.
Class was opened in the forth period and the room was dim-lit in late autumn season.
In the same room, I was also taught Russian from CHINO Eiichi and MURAVIJOVA Natary.
I have good memories of learning foreign languages in that tiny room.
KAJIMURA was a high school teacher in those days and also teaching Korean history and language in several universities. Rightfully he ought to become the special professor of national institute but he abandoned all the right to pioneer the new frontier of Korea, for which East Asia researchers seemed to be less important.
I remembered his words that Korean grammar was once explained by using Russian grammar which was far apart from Korean and its family of language.
He said the words with smiling. “Such times surely exist in short period.” I felt that the times had been changing rapidly before ours, nobody believes that Russian and Korean are family languages.
He wore the round glasses and no neck-tie. Jacket was old and shoulders were always down a little for his thin shape.
When I was absent from my schedule in winter season, he wrote me a letter.
I wrote a reply immediately saying that Korean language was precious for me and I decided to keep learning the language all my life.
What I wrote there was true till now.
He also invited me to his home. But I could not depend too much to him.
But now I regret that I had not received his favour. Later when he became the professor of a university, I would go to his study room at once. But at that time I also did not go because I thought that this time I was always able to visit him.
He incessantly wrote the papers. A lot of researchers respected his sincere attitude of studying.
I did not meet him in those days.
And I suddenly heard his death.
He died from disease in 1989.
He taught me the Korean and further more sincerity of living style to the world.
4 April 2005
13 February 2016 Revised
15 May 2018 Revised
Sekinan Research Field of Language
30 July 2019
In Kojien, one of the standard dictionaries in Japan, KAJIMURA Hideki is written as the following.
Researcher of Korean history. Born in Tokyo. Professor of Kanagawa university. The leading figure of research of Korean history after World War 2 in Japan.
(Translated by TANAKA from Japanese edition)
Read more:

A source of supply in Tokyo area
Higashiyamato, Tokyo
Saturday, 24 September 2022
Genealogical Tree of Sekinan's Paper 7th Edition
Genealogical Tree of Sekinan's Paper 7th Edition
18 July 2015 First Edition
15 February 2018 7th Edition
Genealogical Tree
7th Edition
Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language
On Time Property Inherent in Characters
Quantum Theory for Language
Distance Theory --- Property of Quantum --- Quantification of Quantum
Prague Theory
Reversion Theory
Mirror Theory
Mirror Language
Guarantee of Language
Actual Language and Imaginary Language
Cell Theory
From Cell to Manifold
Conifold as Word
Projective Space as Scheme for Word Order
Algebraic Linguistics
Sentence versus Word
Deep Fissure between Word and Sentence
Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented
S3 and Hoph Map
Noncommutative Distance Theory
Point Space
Atiyah’s Axiomatic System
Kontsevich Invariant
Clifford Algebra
From Super Space to Quantization
Anti-self-dual Form
Dirac Operator
TOMONAGA's Super Multi-time Theory
Creation Operator and Annihilation Operator
Meaning Product
Kac-Moody Lie Algebra
Kac-Moody Lie Algebra
Quantum Group
Finiteness in Infinity on Language
Operator Algebra
Differential Operator and Symbol
One Paper Lost
Self-adjoint and Symmetry
Frame Operator
Order of Word
von Neumann Algebra
von Neumann Algebra 1
Tensor Product
Compact Operator
von Neumann Algebra 2
Generation Theorem
von Neumann Algebra 3
Properly Infinite
Purely Infinite
von Neumann Algebra 4
Tomita's Fundamental Theorem
Borchers' Theorem
Relation between Word and Sentence
Functional Analysis
Functional Analysis
Baire's Category Theorem
Equality and Inequality
Finiteness of Vocabulary
Distance at Hypersurface
Functional Analysis 2
Pre-Hilbert Space and Hilbert Space
Orthogonal Decomposition
Generation of Word
Reversion Analysis Theory
Reversion Analysis Theory
Reversion Analysis Theory 2
Holomorphic Meaning Theory
Holomorphic Meaning Theory
Holomorphic Meaning Theory 2
Stochastic Meaning Theory
Stochastic Meaning Theory
Stochastic Meaning Theory 2
Stochastic Meaning Theory 3
Stochastic Meaning Theory 4
Stochastic Meaning Theory 5
Stochastic Meaning Theory Conjecture 1
Stochastic Meaning Theory Conjecture 2
Energy Distance Theory
Energy and Distance
Heat and Diffusion
Energy and Functional
Finsler Manifold and Distance
Word and Meaning Minimum
Geometry of Word
Complex Manifold Deformation Theory
Distance of Word
Reflection of Word
Uniqueness of Word
Amplitude of Meaning Minimum
Time of Word
Orbit of Word
Map between Words
Understandability of Language
Language Manifold Theory
Moser's Theorem
Topological Group Language Theory
Word Problem of Word-hyperbolic Group
From Finiteness to Infinity on Language
Boundary of Words
Symplectic Language Theory
Symplectic Topological Existence Theorem
Gromov-Witten Invariant
Mirror Symmetry Conjecture on Rational Curve
Isomorphism of Map Sequence
Generating Function (Text lost)
Homological Mirror Symmetry Conjecture by KONTSEVICH
Structure of Meaning
On Structure
Floer Homology Language
Potential of Language
Supersymmetric Harmonic Oscillator
Grothendieck Group
Reversibility of Language
Homology Generation of Language
Homology Structure of Word
Quantization of Language
Discreteness of Language
Proto Arithmetic Geometry Language
Language, Word, Distance, Meaning and Meaning Minimum
Imagenary Language
Volume of Language
Hyperbolic Space Language
Notes for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej
Notes for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej, "Du Dualisme asymétrique du signe linguistique"
Description of Language
Structure of Word
Condition of Meaning
Time of WANG Guowei
Loop Time of Character
Symmetry of Language
Stable and Unstable of Language
Completion of Language
Meaning Minimum of Language
Additional Meaning in Word
Projective Space Model
Vector Bundle Model
Diophantine Language
Finiteness of Words
Dimension of Words
Hyperbolic Language
Connection of Words
Grassmann Language
Grassmann Language
Grassmann Language
Grassmann Language 2
Elements of Word
Birational Language, Dual Language
Birational Language
Birational Language
Dual Language
Duality of Language
Infinite Loop Space Language
Word as Infinite Loop Space
Algebraic Geometry Language
Parts and Whole (AGL Preface)
Dimension of Language (AGL 1)
Synthesis of Meaning and Transition of Dimension (AGL 2)
Birth of Word, Synthesis of Meaning and Dimension of New Word (AGL 3)
Dimension Conjecture at Synthesis of Meaning (AGL 4)
Three conjectures for dimension, synthesis and reversion with root and supplement
Three Conjectures
Dimension Decrease Conjecture (Conjecture 1)
Synthesis Conjecture (Conjecture 2)
Reversion Conjecture (Conjecture 3)
Interpretation of Reversion Conjecture
Simplification of Reversion Conjecture
Reversion Conjecture Revised
At least three elements for language universals
Disposition of Language
Distance of Word
Flow of Language
Papers for Language Dimension, In chronological order
Preparation for the energy of language
Read more:
Letter to Y. Of Broad Language 4th Edition 5 February 2018. Translated by Google translate 2020
Letter to Y. Of Broad Language 4th Edition 5 February 2018. Translated by Google translate 2020
Letter to Y. Of Broad Language 4th Edition
Dear Y.,
1. From the definition of language to determining the direction of language research
I don’t use the word “research” in Japanese much, but here I think about language To briefly describe the above in terms of linguistic research, I think the question is the aim of linguistic research and the application of linguistic research.
When it comes to what language is, I think that language is generally a way for humans to communicate their state of mind with great precision . It is usually assumed that humans speak and hear. So-called natural language. However, I do not define such a so-called language in my own research on language. My research, of course, includes natural language, but it is more extensive . And in my opinion, defining a language in natural language only makes it ambiguous. This is the reason why superlanguages are advocated in basic mathematics.
So, I don’t call my research linguistics, and I don’t use terms like linguistics or philology in English. Because these terms are centred on natural language. In my case, it is more extensive, so I just write research on language. This broad language, in my term Broad Language , will be discussed later.
So, I’m wondering if such undefined things will cause confusion, but in my case, the written content (maybe) tells me the situation of the language I speak, so more ambiguous The definition is not used. Since I mainly use mathematics, it means that the world being built by the axioms and theorems is the language that I show. Mathematics is often written as 5,000 years old since Greece, but it has refined results in a long history. In the field of probability and statistics, it is often said that this result has been verified 100 million times, so it is probably okay, but then, when verified at the 101st time, it is not guaranteed that there will be a failure. .
Mathematics cannot exist without absolute guarantee. That is proof proof. But the word “perfect” is not commonly used. This is because Kruto Godel proved the incompleteness theorem Incompleteness theorem in 1928 that “it is not possible to prove the perfection of mathematics by using the method inherent in mathematics” . Iwanami Bunko now publishes the translation, but I still don’t fully understand it. I also read some proofs. From the outside, it looks anxious, but mathematics itself is firm even if there is such a theorem.
Next, for example, in a language, I use the word distance. It would be quite difficult to define the word distance itself exactly in natural language .
The term “language space” is also used, but it is quite difficult to define a space in natural language.
The word linguistic change is often used, but what changes from where to where and how it changes, if there is no substance, if there is no substance, the change itself is meaningless. In the first place, when we start to think about what changes are, we can no longer control them . One of Wittgenstein’s famous words is that “philosophy is a history of misunderstandings”, but it seems to have built something like a tower on the sand on the ambiguity of language.
Basically, trying to define a language by language presents difficulties. Details are omitted, but progress has been made especially in the field of basic mathematical theory since the 1970s. Last summer, a Japanese pioneer in the basic theory of mathematics called Takeuchi Gaishi died. I also learned a lot from him. He is featured in the February issue of the Mathematics Seminar this year. It was very interesting to me.
But I’m not denying philosophy. On the contrary, I also think that my core is derived from philosophy .
For this reason, I no longer write the basic language in the language. It’s easy to say, but in my case it took me in my 20s to 40s to get here.
At the end of the 1970s, maybe summer vacation in 1978 (because I was a faculty member), 31 years old, I’m still in Tokyo, but I’ve been working on a research application paper at T Research Institute. Not because I wanted to win an award, but because I wanted to confirm my own challenges based on that. The content was what a sentence in a language was, so I tried to put together a sort of preparatory stage for what I am currently thinking about. The method tried to use set theory and basic theory of mathematics. In conclusion, as soon as I started to write, I was convinced that I couldn’t write what I was aiming for in the collections of the time in me, and this plan was abandoned. By the way, in the West, basic mathematics is positioned as a division of logic rather than a division of mathematics. I also think that is better.
Why did you cancel at this time? It is natural that I have little knowledge of language and mathematics, and my ability is low, so I will list the others.
# 1 I mainly tried to use the set theory of mathematics, but the results of mathematics in the field at that time alone (maybe) cannot handle the situation of complicated languages.
# 2 The basic theory of mathematics follows the development of logic, and the root of the language itself cannot be approached (by the achievements at that time).
# 3 The whole language is vast, and it is uncertain where in the language I focus my discussion.
Was the main reason for the cancellation.
I returned to college at the age of 32 in 1979 and reunited with Eiichi Chino of Linguistics (I first met in 1969 as a teacher of Russian), where I mainly studied the situation of the Prague Linguistics Circle in the 1920s. I was taught in detail. Among them The presence of Sergej Karcevskij has overwhelmed me. Chino, who he called the only genius in his last year’s book Open Door to Linguistics, pointed out the duality of language . The language is soft and flexible to absorb the outside world, but at the same time has a strong and robust structure . In this contradictory duality, the essence of language was said to be. This is a part of the semantics in a broad sense, but the most important thing in the language of this meaning is shelved as it was, and still is too difficult, and more precise phonology etc. I went to the building. For example, American structural linguistics from the 1950s onwards is a representative example. After that, I almost excluded the meaning of Chomsky’s generative grammar, and searched for the structure of grammar. Edward Sapir was one of the most prominent of these historical developments , but I suggested a lot. The concept is Drift . He reveals language and movement, the temporal element of language . This will later be linked to the existence of Perelman in me .
After all, I didn’t improve my Russian, but I still have a strong attachment to Russian, and I read a booklet on Russian grammar after a long time last year. Although the grammar in Hakusuisha’s Kuseju library was good, Brian Kemple’s book from Dover Publications was concise and detailed with great details, and it was wonderful. The author was also impressed by the statement on page 94:
“The definitions do not pretend to be complete, or to settle points of interpretation that grammarians have been disputing for the past several hundred years.”
Despite the fact that meaning is one of the most important things in the language, In the rest of linguistics it has always been excluded. After World War II, the field of general semantics expanded temporarily in the United States and other countries, but this is a macro, such as what role language plays in society, and eventually sociology and humankind. It will be absorbed in the school. The meaning itself was still an unexplored field. In my case, the philosophical ones are already based on Wittgenstein’s sharp philosophical criticism (verification), so with the addition of Karcevskij, I’m almost ready. Since I was already thinking of advancing the subject in Kanji and the extremely strict linguistics (elementary school ) of Chinese modernity centred on Kanji, the issue was how to refine mathematics as a writing method.
Fortunately, since the 1980s, the era of rapid development of mathematics and its application to a wide range of fields has come. Iwanami Shoten has been developing the mathematics series in the order of introduction, basics, and development for almost 30 years. Kyoritsu Shuppan has traditionally had a series, so we continue to publish various modern mathematics achievements and are still in progress. I am now a lover of the “Mathematics Shine” series.
It is symbolized by a mathematician who said in a dialogue, “Now math has finally accumulated problems describing various fields”, but I stopped in the 1970s This time, I can now write my own problems while freely choosing rich mathematical methods. Here in philosophy · Wittgenstein, elementary school, such as object-Wang Guowei, purpose · Karcevskij, method · Algebraic Geometry algebraic geometry was aligned, and everything. The mid-1980s.
1.10 In
1986, I completed my research career at a university, quit teaching, made a library, and was able to concentrate almost exclusively on language research. Of course, the biggest thing was understanding of the surroundings. My income has decreased sharply, but I am still at the present while securing a minimum income with Chinese professors, history courses, Buddhist courses, Japanese language teachers, etc. In 1985, there was a talk from Professor A to a lecturer at K University. At this time, the university was extremely thankful to me, but it was no longer the field of the main I am going.
While reading mainly Chinese and Buddhist literature since 1986 However, when I was admitted to O General Hospital with pneumonia in 2002, I was able to think intensively by chance, so based on the article by Kingdom Wei, language, in my case , Kanji, but what summarised the problem of time inherent in it was On Time Property Inherent in Characters, the nature of time inherent in language. At this time, I explored the direction of my language research from a Macro perspective, and it was later uploaded as the Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language. In March 2003, we went to skiing in Hakuba, Nagano prefecture, and when everyone was skiing, we concentrated ourselves and put together the final summary. nostalgic.Although 1.12
is skipped, it was around this time that I learned the depth of Buddhist literature. I read about it in the Taisho Shinshu Daizo Sutra, the Japanese Buddhist complete books, etc., but the literature on the end of Buddhism in India is particularly interesting, for example, the spiral structure of the world is clearly shown by the 4th and 5th century AD. I will. It is interesting to compare it with the situation of modern biology such as DNA, but easy analogy should be avoided. Although I have a deep attachment to the early days of molecular biology derived from physics. Saicho, Kukai in
Japan I read mainly. The impression is that Saicho is hard to read and Kukai is easy to read. Professor K of Japanese literature, which I adore, was asked by an ex-Soviet scholar to send Kukai’s “Bunkyo Higaku Furon” and fulfills his promise. It was. This book is highly regarded as the phonological theory of the Tang dynasty, without any books of the same age, but it is also readable as modern phonological theory. However, it will be difficult to read if punctuation is not entered. Nowadays there are good books in China.1.13
Unauthorized ・ I read the Buddhist theory of my family in the Taisho Shinshu Okura sutra, but as a high peak of philosophy in the Orient, there is something that unintentionally corrects the collar regardless of faith. I still want to read it again if I have time. I feel that my belief that I started walking from the Orient when I entered university has come to fruition here.
Last autumn 2017, at the Tokyo National Museum, there was a special exhibition of the Kamakura era sculptor Unkei, and after a long time, I reunited with an unwritten and worldly statue . It was in my thirties that I saw Kofukuji Temple in Nara. There, I also reunited with the statue of Shigen , who had promoted the reconstruction of Todaiji Temple . The first view of this statue was at the Kyoto National Museum, and when I visited, there was no one but me on the floor. The statue of the high priest at that time was a peaceful old monk who had finished recruiting, but when he met again last fall, the old teacher felt a much more youthful and fulfilling energy than I did. I felt the flow of my age and age.
In addition , I was reminded of the time when I was read with my two friends after being recommended by my teacher about the “Mikuni Buddhist Hodentsu Engi”, a school monk from Todaiji Temple in the Kamakura period . This is how I got to know the Chinese language.
I will omit about the modern Chinese elementary school.2. Why is language research so attractive, and its development and applications?
Base is my theory lover. The thing that attracted me most in high school was theoretical physics. In my case, it wasn’t the direction of Hideki Yukawa’s discovery of mesons, but Shinichiro Tomonaga’s super-multi-hour theory . The whole picture is quite difficult, but if you have knowledge of calculus and differential equations, it will be great. I later organized it and put together a summary of the timeliness of the language. Suggested by Kingdom Wei and Sapir. Considering it now, it seems that the conversion from theoretical physics to language was quite necessary. During this time, it was a great harvest to notice the existence of a clear physicist called Dirac. About this British man, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics last year and died, Yoichiro Nanbu wrote in an essay.
I liked this theory, and I also liked the direction of philosophies that seek the fundamental. It was ambiguous in high school, but later in the 1970s, in my late twenties, Wittgenstein’s translations appeared one after another, and while reading them, I made a fundamental examination of the heritage of philosophy. In my consideration, I should avoid ambiguity in philosophy and seek a different direction. As a result, mathematics seemed to be the most effective. I have liked mathematics since high school, and when I was trying to find a solution to the movement of physics in the 3rd year, the most effective method was the differential equation, but I could not solve it at the level of high 3 calculus. I was impressed that I thought I would not be after college.
In my twenties, I was studying mathematics little by little as a teacher. Here in Kanda, the French math group, Bourbaki Meet you. This set the course for my math thereafter. Bourbaki meant that anyone could go from a clear and concise starting point to the apex of complex modern mathematics, but instead of precision, it was huge, and I studied it carefully while looking at its existence sideways. Continued.
As mentioned in 1.7 , from 1986 to 2003, we have Wittgenstein, Kingdom Wei, Karcevskij, and Algebraic Geometry, so we can finally start moving. The appeal of this research is that a. First of all, no matter what you do , it is infinite, that is , infinite . I’m not very interested in finite things. In terms of content, b. Language is a great human tool, but it is both elaborate and often misleading . Liar’s paradox, or self-reference self-reference may be one example. Wittgenstein elaborately describes such a situation. Moreover, the meaning of the c. Language is an impenetrable lone castle that has been given up to attack for almost 100 years .
In other words, if you have infinity, elaborateness, and impregnability, it would be almost the same as a mountaineer aiming for unexplored peaks . Someone said why you climb a mountain , because there is a mountain there,Is an eternal saying.
My position is as described above, but I hardly think about whether there is any development or application in the real world from it, but if I force it, one thing is considered now .
It has medical applications. I don’t do that much, but I still think that only the theoretical direction is mathematically possible, and I am not mainly aiming at application for preparation for that, but now in progress. My Site, Geometrization Language in, Preparatory genre is it that the (preliminary). Geometrization Language is a meaning like ” geometric language “.
First of all, it will be necessary to give a brief description of what geometry is. In 1980 Thurston submitted a conjecture conjecture that a three-dimensional closed manifold decomposes into eight different geometric structures . In the early 1980s Hamilton is this expected to be formulated as a kind of equation , Perelman from 2002 to 2003 was finally settled. To make it more concise, three-dimensional figures can be classified into eight types, and their formulation is also possible.
Here is my inference. In the medical field, nowadays various image analysis image analysis It is used to identify the disease and the stage of disease progression. Judgment of this analysis depends on the doctor’s visual observation, but now that images are diversified and the amount is enormous, it is now categorized by performing statistical processing and divided into several types, It seems that the decision has been made. If it is possible to classify this statistical collection by geometricalization , the iconography will be mathematically formalized, and the formulation will be converted into natural language, so that the iconography analysis is precise and accurate. Will be able to be shared with .
As I’ve already said, I’m not doing linguistic research aiming at such applications. As shown in 2.4, I’m just one mountaineer who has a longing for unexplored peaks. I made a small Base Camp by myself, just below Takamine . There are countless climbers in the world. But all these comparisons and crufts disappear when you see the unexplored peaks of the blue sky. Because there is a mountain there.
Let’s hurry to the immediate conclusion. I am thinking of incorporating the images shown in 2.6, 2.7 etc. into the area of language. Emoji Emoji and LATEX are also included. I call this area of language a broad language, Broad Language . In this Also includes the Egyptian hieroglyph hieroglyph and the Chinese ancient hieroglyph Jaguwen . But my field isn’t semiotic semiotics that was once popular. I think Semiotics is a fertile Hirono, but the method is not clear. I will refrain from detailing it for now.
Thinking this way, one can imagine how important the ancient Chinese shell texts since BC 1400 are. Kanji is an existing character system that has inherited the ancient hieroglyphics without interruption and is an important field of language. I first targeted this kanji for research.
Will the development of my language research become more or less visible? The meaning of the language is clearly expressed in mathematics as a geometrical figure including temporal changes. But I have hardly thought about such development. I just start walking with less luggage to build my next Base Camp. It is better to have less luggage to reach higher places. For my baggage, all I need is kanji and mathematics . In order to prevent oxygen deficiency, Chinese elementary school and Chinese translation of Buddhist scriptures, Dan Judgment, Kingdom Wei, Shorin, Taisho Shinshu Daizo Sutra and Nihon Zakura Sutra are sometimes necessary. The 1920s Linguistic Circle of Prague remains a major source of energy replenishment . I don’t know how close I can go to the unexplored peaks. That’s not what I ask anymore.
This essay was written with a focus on memories, so there may be differences in memories, even in small years. I’m also not sure if it answers the question.
Please forgive me about that point . If I had written such a thing, then a Buddhist teacher in Kyoto remembered the words that were written in the book. When the teacher had a Buddhist discussion in the open air at night in Tibet, Buddhist monks voiced their sutras based on their memories, but the teacher did research based on the literature on the desk. I was told that I could not respond to it quickly because I was doing it. It also showed their sincere attitude towards Buddhism and was struck by the depth of faith and scholarship.
Please take good care of yourself.
5 February 2018
References for Letter to Y. Of Broad language
1. From definition of language to the decision of direction for research on language 1.1 1. Presupposition on Natural Language 1. Language is variable. If it be true, what is the base of variability?
2. Language is pronounceable. If it be true, what is emerged by pronounced?
3. Language is recordable. If it be true, what is emerged by recorded?
4. Example.
An apple is variable and will be rotten by time proceeding.
An apple is pronounced at a glossary shop and will be bought by a homemaker.
An apple is recordable and will be recorded in a photo.
5. What distinguishes language from apple? The answer is uncertain. So I make the language models parting from natural language.
For WITTGENSTEIN Ludwig / Position of Language / 10 December 2005-3 August 2012
22 August 2012
Seki nan Research Field of Language 2. Sayama Assumption on Language
3. Description
I went to Hakuba in Nagano prefecture for the summer vacation with my family. At that time I had been thinking on the form of language for which I wrote the paper, that connects with time inherent in characters, in March 2003 also at Hakuba.At night of August 23 in cottage, I casually saw the advertising paper of electric dictionary. The paper was brought from the convenience store near the cottage in the evening. The dictionary on the paper was Seiko’s English-Japanese dictionary that has additionally consultation for Chinese or French language with large scale. I vaguely considered that after this dictionaries are necessarily taken these multi-lingual way.At the time I suddenly realized that the form of language may be spherical style in which language contains all the information in itself.That was rather satisfied solution for the tough problem of language that I had been carrying in my life from my twenties.I wrote the sketch-like paper of the theoretical approach after returning home of Tokyo. The paper was read at the international symposium of UNESCO opened in winter 2003 at Nara. In the paper, the spherical substance of language is seemed to be quantum in DELBRUCK’s image-like physical world. After 5 years from the inspiration at summer of Hakuba, now I consider that spherical essence is manifold in infinite dimensional world.Now I also realize that the toughest problem of language is minutely solvable in mathematical approach that has structurally definable terms.
September 29, 2008
Sekinan Research Field of Language
[January 23, 2012]
The title changed.The former title is “From Quantum to Manifold”.
[Postscript. January 25,2012]
On quantization of Language.Refer to the next.
Quantization of Language
1.Fortuitous MeetingWhat CHINO Eiichi Taught Me in the Class of Linguistics
CHINO taught me the core of linguistics in the class of structural linguistics.The most remarkable thing is what he explained the paper of KARCEVSKIJ to us.The title is “Du dualisme asymétrique du signe linguistique”. It became a miracle of my life. I summarize the essence of the paper from one of CHINO’s most major book,Gengogaku eno hirakareta tobira, Janua linguarum reserata in Latin. Language has the dualism.One is firm structure. The other is flexible variability.This is a very revelation in the roaming of study.At first I selected the firmness of language for my research target.It overlapped with the research of Chinese characters.Thought of KARCEVSKIJ fructified the quantum of language.The theory I reached is Quantum Theory for Language.The starting point of the theory was given from CHINO.I deeply appreciate him for teaching me almost all the things on language. CHINO Eiich died March 19, 2002.At age 70.
December 5, 2004
July 16, 2014 Added
2. Linguistic Circle of Prague
3. Edward Sapir gave me a moment to study language universals together with Sergej Karcevskij
4. Note for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej’s “Du dualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique”
5. Karcevskij conjecture 1928 and Kawamata conjecture 2002
6. Brian Kemple. Essential Russian grammar. Dover Publications. 1993.
- For WITTGENSTEIN Ludwig Revised Position of Language
- Essay on WANG Guowei
- The Complete Works of WANG Guowei Revised
- For WANG Guowei A Letter
- Being led by Karcevskij’s conjecture
- The Days of von Neumann Algebra
- The days between von Neumann Algebra and Complex Manifold Deformation Theory
- Bridge between mathematics and physics / Revised
- On Time Property Inherent in Characters
- Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language
- Quantum Theory for Language
- Quantum Language between Quantum Theory for Language 2004 and Generation of Word 2008 adding their days and after A conclusion for the present on early papers of Sekinan Library
1. Max Delbluck From Physics to Biology Application to different Fields
1.Special Exhibition UNKEI The Great Master of Buddhist Sculpture 2017. Tokyo National Museum
2. Why is there attractive of language research,
and how are there developments or applications in the future
Meaning minimum is one of the kernel concepts for the model of language universals on my study. The concept was at first thought from Roman Jakobson’s semantic minimum on which I first read at his book, ESSAIS DE LINGUISTIGUE GENERALE, 1973. His concept was yet intuitive at the linguistic study history in the latter half of the 20th century.Comparison with his concept, my definition of meaning minimum was a certain basis prepared in the learning of mathematics, especially on algebraic geometry, that is the most fantastic approach to the construction of the language model. But the contents of meaning minimum is vacant. This concept shows the minimum unit of one big constructive meaning of word. meaning minimum seems to be correspondent with element of set theory, which theory and foundations of mathematics had been my favourite mathematical basis in 1970s, my youth time. Bourbaki was always echoed around us. Grothendieck was a highest star in this world.2.
Time went fast from at that time. Set theory became one of the premise field of mathematics. But in my part, set theory’s agenda was put at a another point. Because language has a certain expanded world that seems to be continuous. Set theory’s atomic discreteness does not match in my primary learning level. So, in my age 30s, I had sank in the philosophically intuitive thinking often referring the tradition of 1920s, especially of the Linguistic Circle of Prague. On the circle my teacher CHINO Eiichi had taught me from time to time on the campus of university or coffee shop near the station we used. CHINO had gone to the Czechoslovakia Republic from 1959 to 1967. I first met him in 1969 at his Russian class at my third year of university student. I was the age 21 and he was 37.3.
At the age 23’s 1971 spring, I graduated university and once became a high school’s teacher and again returned back to university in 1979 after 8 year job of the school. At that time I thought of characters’ distinctive features on Written Chinese classics. I mainly read WANG Guowei, ZHANG Binglin, DUAN Yucai, WANG Yinzhi being guided by Japanese modern scholar KANO Naoki. Expressly I had attracted to WANG Guowei and his book Guantangjilin. Besides reading these China’s Qing dynasty’s linguistic peaks, I had always thought on Ludwig Wittgenstein for his endless pursuit on language. So I resigned school and came back to the campus where I again met with CHINO. I was age 30s and he was 50s. He was already the big scholar at the linguistic field but I was a poor return student. But I dare to say we were colleagues for language study. He taught me the detailed and strict tradition of the linguistic Circle of Prague. He frequently talked on Sergej Karcevskij and his eminent discernment on language. In the later year’s masterpiece, Janua Linguisticae Reserata, 1994, he wrote only Karcevskij as genius in the great linguists.
Being led by CHINO, I again started linguistic learning on meaning that I had been interested in from my 20s but too hard to approach by my talent. This time I had Karcevskij’s fine insight to meaning enough absorbing the fertile tradition of Prague, where also exist Jakobson and Mathesius. Through the learning I gradually lean to desire to write clear definitions on language. I again remembered the little learning of my 20s age’s mathematics. Bourbaki, Godel, TAKEUCHI and their set theory, foundations of mathematics and that Incompleteness theorem. I had learnt mathematics little by little, inch by inch.5.
CHINO Died in 2002 at age 70 and I became 55. The next year 2003, I wrote a short paper titled “Quantum Theory for Language”. This paper was showed at a international symposium on Silk road for dealing with language from Chinese characters on linguistic viewpoint. I knew that Asian civilisation and history had great concern not only from Asia but also European continents. At the symposium some 400 researchers gathered in the various scholarly fields. It was a awesome encounter for my study, namely, East meet West. Probably Chinese character’s agenda will be written by Europe oriented mathematics. WANG Guowei will meet with karcevskij mediated through mathematics’ description. The target confronted at that time was time inherent in characters, or time in word. In Chinese, particularly in classical written Chinese, all the characters show enough independent meaning in one character probably including even time. It was my first conjecture taught from Karcevskij and CHINO. Meaning minimum is on the boat going across to the opposite shore. This metaphor was derived from WANG Guowei’s famous paper, “Yin- bu zhong suojian xiangong xianwang kao”6.
The concept of time inevitably led to the concept of distance. In 2004, I wrote a paper titled “Distance Theory”. But the paper was yet intuitive and not clear for descriptive definition. So hereinafter I learnt algebra inch by inch being assisted with the rich heritage of geometry. In the centre of learning, always exist time that connotes finiteness and infinity. But infinity is not easily obtained without probably only loop space at the present. And again returns back to meaning minimum as the passenger of the boat named time property inherent. This time the passenger on the boat is called operad or algebraic language.7.
After all I came back to the very dream that I had embraced since the high school days. It was a fundamental ask on language related with mathematics and physics. The root of language would be able to describe by mathematics and physics. In my mind language is always put at the centre of the pursuit that was what anyone can clearly understand. Description by mathematics, but physics why (Note 1)?. Physics treats with substance that constructs the world in which I had desire to let language enter. It started at Substantiality of language (References 2. 2). It was my dream and probably will be so, hereafter.References
<Meaning minimum>
Cell Theory Continuation of Quantum Theory for Language / From Cell to Manifold For LEIBNIZ and JAKOBSON / Tokyo June 2, 2007
The Time of Language Ode to The Early Bourbaki To Grothendieck / January 10, 2012
<CHINO Eiichi>
Fortuitous Meeting What CHINO Eiichi Taught Me in the CLass of Linguistics / Tokyo December 5, 2004
<The Linguistic Circle of Prague>
Linguistic Circle of Prague / Tokyo 13 July 2012, 19 July 2012 Added
<WANG Guowei>
The Complete Works of WANG Guowei / Tokyo 24 May 2012
<Ludwig Wittgenstein>
The Time of Wittgenstein / Tokyo January 20, 2012
<Sergej Karcevskij>
Notes for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej / Note for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej’s “Du dualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique” / Tokyo September 8, 2011
<Set Theory>
Quantum Linguistics / Growth of Word Dedicated to TAKEUCHI Gaishi / Tokyo January 30, 2006
<Quantum Theory for Language>
Quantum Theory for Language Synopsis / Tokyo January 15, 2004
<Time inherent in characters>
On Time Property Inherent in Characters / Hakuba March 28, 2003
Distance Theory / Tokyo May 5, 2004
<Meaning minimum and distance>
sekinanlogos / Floer Homology Language / Supersymmetric Harmonic Oscillator / Tokyo May 6, 2009
<Loop space>
sekinanmodel / Infinite Loop Space Language / Word as Infinite Loop Space / 6 December 2012
ifbetruezoho / Operad Meaning Theory / From Cell to Operad / 4 March 2013
sekinanmetria / Notes for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej / Description of Language / September 9, 2011
sekinanlogos / Floer Homology Language / Potential of Language / Tokyo June 16, 2009
Language, amalgamation of mathematics and physics / ifbetrue 2 April 2013
6 April 2013
Sekinan Library
14 September 2014
1. Roger Penrose / 25 October 2012
2. Substantiality Dedicated to SAPIR Edward / 27 February 2005
3. Perhaps Return to Physics / 16 August 2014
References 3
25 July 2017
Category theory shows a new approach for the further step.
1.Karcevskij conjecture 1928 and Kawamata conjecture 2002
2. Additional meaning and embedding
3. The comparison between 2003 and 2017 From Chinese character’s meaning structure to Homological algebraic model of language universals
29 July 2017
1. Edward Sapir gave me a moment to study language universals together with Sergej Karcevskij2.2
- Perhaps Return to Physics
- Thanks to physics about which I ever dreamt in my future
- TOMONAGA’s Super Multi-time Theory
1. For WITTGENSTEIN Ludwig Revised Position of Language1 Quantization 1 is a cliff for consideration of language.
2 Mathematical interpretation of quantized language is now a first step to the theoretical ascent.
3 If there is not mathematics, next conjectures are impossible.
(i) Difference between word and sentence— Commutative and noncommutative ring
(ii) Continuation from word to sentence— Tomita’s fundamental theorem
(iii) Word’s finiteness and sentence’s infinity— Property infinite and purely infinite
(iv) Cyclic structure of word’s meaning— Infinite cyclic group
4 Meaning minimum 2 , mirror language 3 and mirror symmetry 4 are inevitable approach to the study of language especially for language universals 5 .
5 Symplectic Language Theory, Floer Homology Language and Arithmetic Geometry Language are adopted as the model theory for natural language in the recent.
6 Hereinafter the model theory will be entered to the new concept . The Model s of Language Universals 6 will be shown by the description of mathematics.
Theory Dictionary Writing
Theory Dictionary Person
Aim for Frame-Quantum Theory
1 . Quantized Language
Quantization of Language /Floer Homology Language
2 . Meaning minimum
Structure of Meaning / Symplectic Language Theory
3 . Mirror language
Mirror Symmetry on Rational Curve / Symplectic Language Theory
4 . Mirror symmetry
Homology Mirror Symmetry Conjecture by KONTSEVICH / Symplectic Language Theory
5 . Language universals
Generating Function / Symplectic Language Theory
6. Models of Language Universals
Language Universal Models Tokyo December 10, 2005
Tokyo November 27, 2008 Revised
Tokyo March 24, 2009 Revised
Tokyo June 27, 2009 Revised
Tokyo February 28, 2011 Revised
Tokyo August 3, 2012 Revised
Tokyo December 8, 2014 Reprinted
2. Pioneer
- Bourbaki, Nicolas
Bourbaki’ ELEMENTS DE MATHEMATIUE Troisieme edition, 1964
- Karlgren, Bernhard
- Карцевский, Сергей
Half Farewell to the Linguistic Circle of Prague and Sergej Karcevskij
Sergej Karcevskij, Soul of Language
Gift from Sergej Karcevskij
Follower of Sergej Karcevskij
- Jakobson, Roman
- Sapir, Edward
- Saussure, Ferdinand de
- WANG Guowei
40 years passed from I read WANG Guowei
- by Neumann
The days between von Neumann Algebra and Complex Manifold Deformation Theory
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig
For WITTGENSTEIN Ludwig Revised with Symplectic Language Theory and Floer Homology Language
- Essence of Language
- The Days of Decipherment
- The Days of Ideogram Ideogram from hieroglyph to LATEX Symbol List
- The comparison between 2003 and 2017 From Chinese character’s meaning structure to Homological algebraic model of language universals