Thursday, 28 November 2019
Wednesday, 27 November 2019
Finiteness and Infinity on Word and Language Survey Edition 27 November 2019
Topological Group Language Theory Preliminary Note 2 From Finiteness to Infinity on Language
SRFL Paper Paper Compile for Language Universals Topological Group Language Theory Preliminary Note 2 From Finiteness to Infinity on Language 18/08/2015 22:25 Topological Group Language Theory TANAKA Akio Preliminary Note 2 From Finiteness
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Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Conjecture 1 Finiteness in Infinity on Language
SRFL Paper Paper Compile for Language Universals Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Conjecture 1 Finiteness in Infinity on Language Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Conjecture 1 Finiteness in Infinity on Language TANAKA Akio 1 Total of words is finite at a cert
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Operator Algebra Conjecture 3 Recognition
ssification of von Neumann algebra, total of sentences is concerned with , not concerned with . [Reference] Kac-Moody Lie Algebra / Conjecture 1 / Finiteness in Infinity on Language / Tokyo February 10, 2008 Tokyo March 23, 2008 Sekinan Researc
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Symplectic Language Theory Note 1 Symplectic Topological Existence Theorem
omorphism. [Note] 1 For language's understandability, differential homeomorphic C 0 convergence is related with the finiteness and infinity of language. 2 For the finiteness and infinity of langua
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Functional Analysis Conjecture 1 Finiteness of Vocabulary
SRFL Paper Paper Compile for Language Universals Functional Analysis Conjecture 1 Finiteness of Vocabulary Functional Analysis Conjecture 1 Finiteness of Vocabulary TANAKA Akio 1 In language, vocabulary is seemed to be finite at an
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Topological Group Language Theory Preliminary Note 1 Word Problem of Word-hyperbolic Group
SRFL Paper Paper Compile for Language Universals Topological Group Language Theory Preliminary Note 1 Word Problem of Word-hyperbolic Group 18/08/2015 22:23 Topological Group Language Theory TANAKA Akio Preliminary Note 1 Word Problem of W
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Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Contents
c-Moody Lie Algebra Contents Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Assistant Site: sekinanlogos Note 1 Kac-Moody Lie Algebra 2 Quantum Group Conjecture 1 Finiteness in Infinity on Language Tags : Kac-Moody Lie Algebra © 2015 All rights reserved. Homepag
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Topological Group Language Theory
al Group Language Theory 18/08/2015 22:27 Topological Group Language Theory | Word Problem of Word-hyperbolic Group From Finiteness to Infinity on Language Boundary of Words Tags : Topological Group L
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Macro Time and Micro Time
sheimer, 1966) #2 7. Language’s time goes freely from the present to the future or the present to the past. #3 8. Language symbolises the time from finiteness to infinity. #4 9. Human being recognises this vast language world perfectly. #5 Referenc
Algebraic Linguistics Linguistic Result Deep Fissure between Word and Sentence
on to Krull Dimension / 8 th for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej / Tokyo September 26, 2007 Postscript February 10, 2008 [Conjecture] Kac-Moody Lie Algebra / Finiteness in Infinity on Language / Tokyo February 10, 2008 Postscript August 2, 2008 [Conjectur
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Diophantine Language Finiteness of Words
SRFL Paper Paper Compile for Language Universals Diophantine Language Finiteness of Words 20/08/2015 19:50 Diophantine Language Finiteness of Words TANAKA Akio [Preparation 1] k is algebraic field. is finite subset. V is projective algebraic m
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Saturday, 23 November 2019
Friday, 22 November 2019
Monday, 18 November 2019
Saturday, 16 November 2019
WHAT for Language 1-3
WHAT for Language 1-3
16 November 2019
SRFL Paper
SRFL Paper

What is Ideogram? Winding lanes to Quantum-Nerve Theory 2019
What is Ideogram?
Winding lanes to Quantum-Nerve Theory 2019
Quantum-Nerve Theory With Pre Quantum-Nerve Theory What is Signal?
Winding lanes to Quantum-Nerve Theory 2019
Quantum-Nerve Theory With Pre Quantum-Nerve Theory What is Signal?
- Ideogram 2005
- Egyptian Hieroglyph Exhibition Journey through the Afterlife Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead by The British Museum 2012
- The Days of Decipherment 2016
- The Days of Ideogram
Ideogram from hieroglyph to LATEX Symbol List 2017 - Letter to Y. Toward geometrization of language 2018
- Letter to Y. Of Broad Language 4th Edition 2018
- Ars longa Seeing Masterpieces of French Landscape Paintings from the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow 2018
- Ideogram Paper 1-16 With Addition 2019
- Added Note of The Days of Ideogram 2019

Friday, 15 November 2019
Quantum-Nerve Theory With Pre Quantum-Nerve Theory What is Signal? 2019 TANAKA Akio SRFL
Quantum-Nerve Theory
With Pre Quantum-Nerve Theory What is Signal?
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Wednesday, 13 November 2019
On Language, Signal and Nerve
At first I entered study from language universals in the late 1980s at Sekinan Library , Tokyo
Its definite declaration was waited till 2004 at the next year of opening of SRFL, Hakuba, Nagano.
The declaration title was Aim Dedicated to CHINO Eiichi, the dear old days of campus or coffee shop at the station front.
But several years after, the concept of language universals had been seemed to be ambiguity for me. because of the concept of not clear and not descriptive.
My language was begun from Qing dynasty' classical linguistics based on Chinese classics in1960s
This course of study later has been arranged titles Idegarm Paper and still now proceeded. on.
While writing ideogram related papers, I clearly recognised that my study' object was rather aparted from usual language universals, simply saying, this concept was never descriptive by mathematics or similar expressions.
Every language has clear messages to the outer world.
Now if language replace signal, the study world is at the once expanded and never-or- difficult- taken- up themes are flowing up to my study field.
In autumn 2017 I wrote a paper titled The Days of Ideogram Ideogram from hieroglyph to LATEX Symbol List.
In autumn 2018 - spring 2019, I wrote a paper, titled What is Signal?.
This paper"s original title was What is signal? A mathematical model of nerve.
The paper is still unfinished mainly for mathematical description using the fantastic new theory, totally named "Quantum group" which was first declared at a conference by Drinfel'd in 1980s.
I wrote a trial papers on quantum group, but my every paper was not satisfied. One of the most fundamental paper was Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Note 2 Quantum Group in 2008.
In autumn this year 2019, I was rearranged the paper, What is Signal?
The reason was what the title was so vast and now I felt the title needs more clear massage to the readers of my paper. and nerve was affixed to the subtitle at the paper.
All was backed to the origin, so I thought.
New title became Quantum-Nerve Theory.
1 Aim / Aim again
2 Ideogram Paper 1-16 With Addition
3 The Days of Ideogram Ideogram from hieroglyph to LATEX Symbol List
4 What is Signal? Total Edition
Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Note 2 Quantum Group
5 Quantum-Nerve Theory with References
13 November 2019
SRFL Paper
Tuesday, 12 November 2019
From Quantum Theory for Language to Languagequantum theory now version up to Quantum-Nerve Theory
From Quantum Theory for Language to Languagequantum theory
15 July 2019
In 2003 I wrote Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language.
In 2004 I wrote Quantum Theory for language.
In 2007 I wrote Cell Theory Continuation of Quantum Theory for Language From Cell to Manifold For LEIBNIZ and JAKOBSON.
Also refer to the next papers in 2008 and 2009.
Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Note 2 Quantum Group 2008
In 2018 I wrote Quantum Group Language Word Indexed and Word Synthesized.
In 2019 I have started to write a new theory named Languagequantum theory.
For the preparation to the theory I wrote What is signal? Total Edition 21 November 2018-23 April 2019.
Read more:
This paper is unfinished.
16 July 2019
Languagequantum theory is version-up to Quantum-Nerve Theory in October 2019.
Refer to the next.
12 November 2019
Friday, 8 November 2019
Sayama Assumption on Language Note added 2019
Sayama Assumption on Language
2. Language has substance. Because it is changeable.*2
3. Language has time. Because it is changeable.*3
4. Language has boundary. Because it is substance.*4
5. Language has structure. Because it is substance.*5
6. Language is describable. Because it is substance.*6References
*1 Notes for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej / Note for KARVESKIJ Sergej’s “Du dualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique” / 8 September 2011
*2 Presupposition on Natural Language / 22 August 2012
*3 Time of WANG Guowei / Loop Time of Character / 15 September 2011
*4 Topological Group language Theory / Boundary of Words / 12 February 2012
*5 Notes for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej / Structure of Word / 11 September 2011
*6 Notes for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej / Description of Language / 9 September 2011 Sayama Hills, Tokyo
21 September 2012
Sekinan Research Field of Language
8 November 2019
*0 Sayama Assumption’s Sayama is taken from the Sayama Hills located at the west part of Tokyo. I have lived at the hill side since my birth.
8 November 2019
*0 Sayama Assumption’s Sayama is taken from the Sayama Hills located at the west part of Tokyo. I have lived at the hill side since my birth.
Thursday, 7 November 2019
Language Comprised of Quantum Revised 2019
Language Comprised of Quantum Revised 2019
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Appendix of Memorial Essay 2016
Appendix of Memorial Essay 2016
Language between Sergej Karcevskij and string theory, one century’s trace
The 30th Anniversary of Sekinan Library Memorial Essay
1. Chronicle
2. Tree
3. Story
- CLifford Algebra
- Energy Distance Theory
- Functional Analysis
- Holomorphic Meaning Theory
- Kac-Moody Lie Algebra
- Operator Algebra
- Reversion Analysis Theory
- Stochastic Meaning Theory
- von Neumann Algebra
- Complex Manifold Deformation Theory
- Complex Manifold Deformation Theory
- Language Manifold Theory
- Topological Group Language Theory
- Symplectic Language Theory
- Floer Homology Language
- Arithmetic Geometry Language
- Projective Space Model
- Diophantine Language
- Hyperbolic Language
- Grassmann Language
- Grassmann Language 2
- Birational Language
- Dual Language
- Infinite Loop Space Language
- What facts do Three Conjectures for Dimension, Synthesis and Reversion show us?
- How is the time alive in language?
- The days when I was thinking of Energy Distance Theory
- Why is boundary necessary in language?
- Where is the change’s power or energy?
- Why do you think that language has structure?
- The Days of Decipherment / 2016
- The Days of Distance / 2012
- The Days of Sekinan Library / 2015
- The days between von Neumann Algebra and Complex Manifold Deformation Theory / 2015
- The Days of von Neumann Algebra / 2015
- The days when I was thinking on Energy Distance Theory / 2015
- The Time of Language / 2012
- The Time of Quantum / 2008
- The Time of WANG Guowei / 2011
- The Time of Wittgenstein / 2012

The Time of Quantum
- LITTLE Williams et al. The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford. 1933. Revised 1958. Tradition of Dictionary / 2012

2. KANNO Michiaki. JIgen. Tokyo. 1923.
- DUAN Yucai: Suowenjiezi. Reprint Edition. Taibei. 1972. Prague Theory Dedicated to KARCEVSKIJ, PRAGUE and CHINO / 2004
- WANG Guowei. WANG Guowei Quanji Riji. Beijing. 1978. The Complete Works of WANG Guowei, Revised / 2016
- JAKOBSON Roman and WAUGH Linda. THE SOUND SHAPE OF LANGUAGE. Indiana. 1979. Roman Jakobson / 2012
- SAPIR Edward, Language. 1921. Substantiality Dedicated to SAPIR Edward / 2005 Edward Sapir&s Language, 1921 / 2014
- PASCAL Blaise. PENSEES. Translated and Introduction by A.J. Krailsheimer. PENGUIN BOOKS. 1966. Macro Time and Micro Time / 2013
- WITTGENSTEIN Ludwig. TRACTATUS LOGICO-PHILOSOPHICUS. Translated by C.K.Ogden. 1922. Dover edition. 1999. Citation from Ludwig Wittgenstein / 2012
- SHAKESPEARE William. THE COMPLETE WORKS. Oxford. 1988. Henry the Fourth, For SAEKI Shizuto and Shakespeare / 2012.
- NAMBU Yoichiro. Development of Particle Physics. Tokyo. 2009.
- FUKAYA Kenji. Symplectic Geometry. Tokyo. 2008.
- TAKEUCHI Gaishi.
- TODA Yukinobu. Several problems on derived category of coherent sheaf. Tokyo. 2016. Bridge across mathematics and physics / Revised / 2016
2. Zoho
3. Essay
4. Paper
5. Essay and Paper
1. Site
2. Twitter
It is used for the outer essays and papers of Sekinan Library’s sites.
1. File
- File / 2003-2007
- Zoho wiki index / 2016
- SRFL Essay. top-page Search site-window / 2015-2016
- SRFL Paper. top-page Search site-window / 2015-2016
2. Person
- BOURBAKI Nicolas
- CHEN Donhai
- CHINO Eiichi
- CHO Shokichi
- DUAN Yucai
- FUKAYA Kenji
- Godel Kurt
- KANEKO Yutaka
- KARLGREN Bernhard
- KURATA Reijiro
- LITTLE Williams
- NAMBU Yoichiro
- NISHI Junzo
- ONO Shinobu
- PASCAL Blaise
- SAEKI Shizuto
- SAITO Kohei
- SAPIR Edward
- SINAI Yakob G.
- SONTAG Susan
- TAN Sitong
- TODA Yukinobu
- TOMONAGA Shin-ichiro
- VENTRIS Michael
- von NEUMANN John
- WANG Guowei
- WANG Niansun
- WANG Yinzhi
- WAUGH Linda
3. Place

Tokyo National Museum, Ueno, Tokyo
4. Book
- Grammata Setica Recensa
- Guantangjilin
- Laozi
- Pansees
- Shuowenjiezi-zhu
- The Authenticity and nature of the Tso Chuan
- Yi-jing
5. Term
- algebraic
- amalgamation
- category
- conjectures
- description
- dimension
- disposition
- elements
- energy
- faq
- flow
- genealogical tree
- jiaguwen
- language universals
- Linear B
- meaning minimum
- model
- set theory
- Small study
- stability
- themes
- time in word
- Xiaoxue
6. Japanese Edition Essay
- Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language / 2003
- Story, To Winter / 2015
- 10 Extracts from Story, To Winter / 2015
- Coffee shop named California
- Winter comes as if grace arrives
- Generation and extinction of quantum in the field space
- Canal, saint and wandering is over now
- CHINO Eiichi and Prague
- Finiteness of 3 dimensional standard flop and shutting up to finite 3 dimensional world of language from infinite 4 dimensional world
- Non-symmetry, 1920s’ Prague and Sergej Karcevskij
- From Hodge diamond of mirror symmetry by KONTSEVICH to mirror language
- Quantum space through Poisson manifold’s deformation quantization by Kontsevich
- From Gromov-Witten invariant to quantum cohomology ring and Gromov-Witten potential, in the centre considered homological mirror symmetry
7. Paper
- assumption
- connection
- discreteness
- distance
- generation
- lineation
- manuscript
- mirror
- potential
- quantization
- reversion
- stability
- substantiality
- synthesis
- time property
16 August 2016 – 16 September 2016
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