Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Grape at Garden

Grape at Garden

July 2019

Used for the photo of
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Languagequantum theory

Languagequantum theory Top page renewed

​Languagequantum theory

​Languagequntum theory is the latest theory of SRFL in Sekinan Library.
The theory has researched into the root of language.
Sekinan Library
 was founded in 1986.
SRFL was founded in 2003.

​16 July 2019

KAJIMURA Hideki His Korean Classroom Note added version 2019

His Korean Classroom 


I first met KAJIMURA at 1970 and he taught me the Korean in the small class of foreign language.
Text was SONG Jihak’s “Chosono Immun” published by Daigaku Shorin. It was one of a few books for beginners of Korean at late 1960s in Japan. Korean texts were published a few, so we could  usually see only 2 or 3 kinds at a large bookshop. 
I was age 21 and KAJIMURA was 30s.

Class was opened in the forth period and the room was dim-lit in late autumn season.
In the same room, I was also taught Russian from CHINO Eiichi and MURAVIJOVA Natary.
I have good memories of learning foreign languages in that tiny room.

KAJIMURA was a high school teacher in those days and also teaching Korean history and language in several universities. Rightfully he ought to  become the special professor of national institute but he abandoned all the right to pioneer the new frontier of Korea, for which  East Asia researchers seemed to be less important. 

I remembered his words that Korean grammar was once explained by using Russian grammar which was far apart from Korean and its family of language.
He said the words with smiling. “Such times surely exist in short period.” I felt that the times had been changing rapidly before ours, nobody believes  that Russian and Korean are family languages.

He wore the round glasses and no neck-tie. Jacket was old and shoulders were always down a little for his thin shape.
When I was absent from my schedule in winter season, he wrote me a letter.
I wrote a reply immediately saying that Korean language was precious for me and I decided to keep learning the language all my life.
What I wrote there was true till now.

He also invited me to his home. But I could not depend too much to him.
But now I regret that I had not received his favour. Later when he became the professor of a university, I would go to his study room at once. But at that time I also did not go because I thought that this time I was always able to visit him.
He incessantly wrote the papers. A lot of researchers respected his sincere attitude of studying.

I did not meet him in those days.
And I suddenly heard his death.
He died from disease in 1989.
He taught me the Korean and further more sincerity of living style to the world.

4 April 2005
13 February 2016 Revised
​15 May 2018 Revised

Sekinan Research Field of Language  

30 July 2019
In Kojien the 6th edition 2008 , one of the standard dictionaries in Japan, KAJIMURA Hideki is written as the following.

Researcher of Korean history. Born in Tokyo. Professor of Kanagawa university. The leading figure of research of Korean history after World War 2 in Japan.
(Translated by TANAKA from Japanese edition)

Monday, 29 July 2019

Where is the change's power or energy?

Where is the change's power or energy?

01/09/2015 16:59

Where is the change's power or energy?


I was born in 1947 and become 68 years old this summer.
My unripeness to language study has come to the declining years.
Return to physics or mathematics is almost alike to back to youth age, when almost every day solving rudimentary problems for entire interest to unknown world.

In my mind there still are some hard themes to challenge, one of which is energy in language. The theme is originated from Edward Sapir, who presented the concept "drift" in Language, 1921. 
It was the macro and intuitive concept that was supposed by his precise thinking and vast field work of America native's language. I think that I would develop the theme from the physics-mathematics field.

In the garden
Peony begins to come out in the cold winter.
If there be change in language, from which to which language changes in its true nature?
At where is there the change's power or energy?
Refer to the next.
0. General survey
  1. 5W1H in 2014 / 31 December 2014
1. Substantiality and time
  1. Substantiality, Dedicated to SAPIR Edward / 27 February 2005 
  2. Macro time and Micro Time / 24 July 2013
2.Flow and energy 
  1. Flow of Language / Heritage of WANG Guowei and Edward Sapir / 26 September 2014
  2. The days when I was thinking on Energy Distance Theory / 19 December 2014
4. Stochastic theory, distance, functional, potential with energy
  1. Energy of Language / Stochastic Meaning Theory 4 / 24 July 2008
  2. Energy and Distance / Energy Distance Theory / 31 August 2008
  3. Energy and Functional / Energy Distance Theory /18 October 2008 
  4. Potential of Language / Floer Homology Language / 2009

1 January 2015

Read more: https://srfl-theory.webnode.com/news/where-is-the-changes-power-or-energy/

Energy Distance Theory Note 1 Energy and Distance

Energy Distance Theory
Note 1
Energy and Distance
Curve in 3-dimensional Euclidean space   : [0, 1] → 3
Longitude of   ) = dt
Surface   S
Curve combines and in   l
Coordinate of     φ → S
Coordinate of   2
φ = ( φ , φ , φ )
φ )
φ )
Curve in   : [0, 1] → 3
Curve on   )
Ω )= { : [0,1] → (0) = (1 ) = }
∈ Ω )
)= φ ) )
( 0 )= 0
( 1 ) = 1
) = dt     dt
ij is Riemann metric.
Longitude is defined by the next.
x, xˑ     dt
Energy is defined by the next.
x, xˑ   =   ∑ I,j i,j )) xˑ xˑ dt
x, xˑ ≥ ( x, xˑ ) ) 2
For ∈ Ω ), the next two are equivalent.
(i) takes minimum value at .
(ii) takes minimum value at .
What longitude is the minimum in curve is equivalent what energy is the minimum in curve.
Longitude is corresponded with distance in Distance Theory.
Distance Theory / Tokyo May 4, 2004
Property of Quantum / Tokyo May 21, 2004  
Mirror Theory / Tokyo June 5, 2004
Mirror Language / Tokyo June 10, 2004
Guarantee of Language / Tokyo June 12, 2004
Reversion Theory / Tokyo September 27, 2004
Tokyo August 31, 2008
Sekinan Research Field of Language

Read more: https://srfl-theory.webnode.com/news/energy-distance-theory-note-1-energy-and-distance/

IYANAGA Shokichi's An Introduction to Geometry. Tokyo. 1968

IYANAGA Shokichi's An Introduction to Geometry. Tokyo. 1968

26/01/2016 19:47
IYANAGA Shokichi's An Introduction to Geometry, Tokyo, 1968 is one of the must book for me. In the Preface of the book, he writes that ( the content of this book) systematically constructs n-dimensional Euclid geometry. He also said that he hopes this book would become an introduction to modern mathematics through geometrical objects.

Read more: https://srfl-theory.webnode.com/news/iyanaga-shokichis-an-introduction-to-geometry-tokyo-1968/

ENSILA Preliminary Paper 2019

29/04/2019 19:49




Flow of Language

27/11/2017 23:47
Flow of Language  Heritage of WANG Guowei and Edward Sapir TANAKA Akio Description form succeeds Ludwig Wittgenstein. For WITTGENSTEIN Revised / Position of Language / 10 December 2005 - 3 August 2012 The Time of Wittgenstein /20 January 2012 Citation from Ludwig...

Distance of Word

27/11/2017 23:44
Distance of Word TANAKA Akio 0. Distance is one of the most important concepts of mathematics. I have gradually approach to it after ambiguous intuitive classical linguistic work. From Distance to Pseudo-Kobayashi Distance / 5 February 2012 1. Distance is one of the most fundamental concepts...

Disposition of Language

27/11/2017 20:04
Disposition of Language TANAKA Akio Language probably possesses the disposition not to disturb the thinking of human being. Now  I cannot find any clue for entering this difficult theme. What I  know is that I can show some examples for the wonder of the disposition of language as...

Recent Themes 2014

27/11/2017 20:00
Recent Themes 2014   OldTitle Recent Themes  Disposition of Language Distance of Word Flow of Language

Floer Homology Language ​ ​ ​ Note 1 ​ Potential of Language

11/11/2017 19:49
Floer Homology Language ​ ​ ​ Note 1 ​ Potential of...

Karcevskij conjecture 1928 and Kawamata conjecture 2002 / I briefly wrote about the conjecture

10/11/2017 18:29
 Karcevskij conjecture 1928 and Kawamata conjecture 2002   TANAKA Akio Sergej Karcevskij declared a conjecture for language's asymmetric structure on the TCLP of the Linguistic Circle of Prague in 1928. I briefly wrote about the conjecture as the...

Preparation for the energy of language

01/02/2016 15:54
Preparation for the energy of language TANAKA Akio The energy of language seems to be one of the most fundamental theme for the further step-up  study on language at the present for me. But the theme was hard to put on the mathematical description. Now I present some preparatory...

Geometrization Note 1 - Note 2

01/02/2016 15:38
Geometrization Note 1 Geometrization Note 2

Geometrization Note 1

01/02/2016 15:36
Note L length . L geodesic line The shortest line for L length. L length function . Reduced length function .   [References] 1. Distance Theory. 2004 Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented Brane Simplified Model 2...

Geometrization Note 2

01/02/2016 15:33
24/08/2015 22:37 Dispersive Type Non-locality Theorem Pseudo Locality Theorem Canonical Neighbourhood Theorem Read more: https://srflnote.webnode.com/news/geometrization-language-note-21/

Energy Distance Theory Note 1 Energy and Distance

01/02/2016 13:26
Energy Distance Theory   Note 1 Energy and Distance   TANAKA Akio   1 Curve in 3-dimensional Euclidean space   l : [0, 1] → R 3 Longitude of l   L ( l )...

The days when I was thinking on Energy Distance Theory

01/02/2016 13:24
q.v. Energy and Distance in Language / 31 August 2008 TANAKA Akio 1. Around 2008, I was thinking on energy in language related with distance in language. Distance is one of the kernel themes of my study of language universals in those days. In simply saying, distance is the result of...

Perelman's Approach 2

31/01/2016 20:25
Geometry of Geometrization Conjecture 09/08/2015 19:08     Canonical resoresolution 09/08/2015 19:01     Geometrization Conjecture 09/08/2015 18:53     Poincare Conjecture 09/08/2015...

Perelman's Approach 1

31/01/2016 20:20
Geometrization Language Note 2 24/08/2015 22:37     Geometrization Language Note 24/08/2015 22:35     Work of Perelman 24/08/2015 22:33     Geometrization Conjecture 24/08/2015...

Read more: https://geometrization-language.webnode.com/preliminary/

Read more: https://srfl-theory.webnode.com/news/ensila-preliminary-paper/

From Quantum Theory for Language to Languagequantum theory

From Quantum Theory for Language to Languagequantum theory

15 July 2019


In 2003 I wrote Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language.

In 2004 I wrote Quantum Theory for language.

In 2007 I wrote Cell Theory Continuation of Quantum Theory for Language From Cell to Manifold For LEIBNIZ and JAKOBSON.

Also refer to the next papers in 2008 and 2009.
   Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Note 2 Quantum Group 2008

In 2018  I wrote Quantum Group Language Word Indexed and Word Synthesized.

In 2019 I have started to write a new theory named Languagequantum theory.
For the preparation to the theory I wrote What is signal? Total Edition 21 November 2018-23 April 2019.


This paper is unfinished.
16 July 2019

Read more: https://srfl-theory.webnode.com/news/from-quantum-theory-for-language-to-languagequantum-theory-16-july-2019-edition/

Saturday, 27 July 2019

Distance of Word

Distance of Word


Distance is one of the most important concepts of mathematics. I have gradually approach to it after ambiguous intuitive classical linguistic work.
  1. From Distance to Pseudo-Kobayashi Distance / 5 February 2012

Distance is one of the most fundamental concepts of language universals in my part.
It was first thought at the paper, Distance Theory in 2004. Successively several intuitive papers were written in the same year.
  1. Distance Theory / 5 May 2004
  2. Reversion Theory / 27 September 2004
  3. Warp Theory / 24 October 2004
  4. Prague Theory 3 / 28 January 2005

Distance is described by the physic expression using brane model.
  1. Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented / Brane Simplified Model / Distance / 26 October 2007

Mathematical description was first done at the paper, Distance of Word in 2008.
  1. Distance of Word / Complex Manifold Deformation Theory / 9 December 2008

Distance is a highly root concept of mathematics for which geometry searches the clear description for further development.
  1. Supersymmetric Harmonic Oscillator / Floer Homology Language / 6 May 2009  


28 September 2014
Sekinan Research Field of Language

Read more: https://srfl-theory.webnode.com/news/distance-of-word/

At least three elements for language universals Revised 2019

At least three elements for language universals Revised 2019


Supposition 1:
Three elements for language universals

For language universals, now I suppose at least three elements being  based from mathematical description.

Three elements for language universals are energydimension and distance.

The most fundamental element is energy. By this energy, all the movements and changes occur in language.
  1. Edward Sapir, Language, 1921
  2. Substantiality

All the languages are located at a certain dimension in space. By this dimension, confusions in language are averted.
  1. True-false problem of the Crete

In language, all the movements and changes inevitably make distance occurred. By this distance, important phases of language are clearly defined.
  1. Distance Theory


Supposition 2:
Mathematical description for three elements of language universals

Energy, dimension and distance can be describe by mathematical writing.

Energy in language is now preparatory description til now.
  1. Energy of Language / Stochastic Meaning Theory
  2. Energy and Distance / Energy Distance Theory
  3. Energy and Functional / Energy Distance Theory
  4. Potential of Language / Floer Homology Language

For dimension, definite results are presented being aided by arithmetic geometry.
  1. Three Conjectures for Dimension, synthesis and Reversion with Root and Supplement

For distance, its vast and vagueness of the concept can not be grasped up. But related papers of mine are probably the most in number.
  1. Distance / Direct Succession of Distance Theory / Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented
  2. Distance of Word / Complex Manifold Deformation Theory


This paper is not finished.

27 February 2015

Read more: https://srfl-theory.webnode.com/news/at-least-three-elements-for-language-universals/

Friday, 26 July 2019




which was founded in 1986 at Tokyo for the study of language universals.




SRFL Group

  1. SRFL Collection
  2. SRFL Lab

  3. SRFL Essay 

  4. SRFL Note Oldest site of SRFL
  6. SRFL Paper - Paper compile site
  8. SRFL Theory - Theory compile site

  9. Geometrization Language - Geometrization site

Read more: https://srflnote.webnode.com/